D&D (2024) Subclasses


Prince of Dorkness
THANK YOU. Finally someone answers my question. I watched all the videos but I must have missed that line while I was cooking one day while watching.

However… it still doesn't mean that the Necromancer is necessarily in the PHB, if they do the Death Domain Cleric and Oathbreaker Paladin in the DMG again. They could easily have an "evil" / monstrous / villainous subclass for most of the core classes in the DMG:

Path of the Zealot or Path of the Beast Barbarian
College of Whispers or College of Spirits Bard
Death Domain Cleric
Circle of Spores Druid
??? Fighter
Warrior of the Long Death Monk
Oathbreaker Paladin
Monster Hunter Ranger (those who fight monsters…)
Phantom Rogue
Shadow Magic Sorcerer
Undead Patron Warlock
Necromancy School Wizard

Fighter is honestly the only one without a truly villainous subclass in core already. The only one in core adjacent that comes to mind is Morgrave Miscellany's Bone Knight Fighter, which does villainous divine undead version of Eldritch Knight stuff.
My favorite dark Fighter is the Doom Knight, which is based on the WoW Death Knight (but that is already a creature in the Monster Manual), that I made and am currently playtesting.

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Still think is was a bad idea that they backtracked from unified subclass levels.
also subclasses should have started at 1st level. nothing much, bonus proficiencies, spells and some flavor. Much better stuff at lvl3

so unified levels: 1,3,6,10,14. no need for 18th level, it's too little, too late for new features.


so unified levels: 1,3,6,10,14. no need for 18th level, it's too little, too late for new features.
I prefer subclass at level 1, or 2 at the latest.

Maybe the level 18 subclass slot can be for an Epic Destiny, a method of immortality, such as becoming an Archfey, Lich, Archmage, Archangel, or so on.


Maybe the level 18 subclass slot can be for an Epic Destiny, a method of immortality, such as becoming an Archfey, Lich, Archmage, Archangel, or so on.
I would reserve that for 21+ levels and epic boons, or feat that you can take at lvl19 or 20, but would not tie it to any class/subclass


I suspect they are at level 3 because WotC still wants people to think of levels 1 and 2 as "training levels", not the start of the actual character. Now granted, a lot of people don't like to think of levels 1 and 2 that way (which is why we still see all kinds of people try and design rules for "Level Zero" characters for 5E-- so we can see how PCs "become" full-on adventurers)... but this is one of those times when I think WotC is going to stick with their ideas to try and change the narrative of how the game is supposed to be played:

- Level 1 and 2 are for new players and their PCs to learn what it means to play the game and be an adventurer (along with the basics of their class)-- a la "Level Zero" rules baked into the game... then at Level 3 when they choose their subclass they truly become a full-on adventurer.

For any DMs who don't like that concept and want to always start their campaigns at Level 1 (along with a chosen subclass that has mechanics)... they'll need to design or select their own features out of the class to "give" to players at Level 1 that are called "Subclass features". That way players can "select" their subclass at Level 1 if it is necessary to have actual mechanics to be considered part of a subclass (rather than just the player saying they have the subclass at 1 despite not getting a mechanical representation of it until 3.)

Heck... a DM could just create their own Backgrounds that are the "subclasses" themselves for players to take at Level 1, and thereby players receive a Feat that goes towards jumpstarting the mechanics of the character. A player of an eventual Divine Soul Sorcerer doesn't get any healing spells until 3rd level under the 5E24 system? DM creates a 'Divine Soul' Background that gives the player the Magical Initiate feat at Level 1 for which they get to take some healing magic to tied them over until they reach Level 3 (however long it takes the DM to get the players and their characters there.)

And this of course is all just in case the DM doesn't want to merely start their game at Level 3 to begin with like I suspect WotC has always kind of favored anyway. Is it ideal for many DMs? Nope. It's probably the exact opposite of ideal for many of them. But at some point a DM has to just make the game their own if WotC isn't going to do it for them.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Still think is was a bad idea that they backtracked from unified subclass levels.
also subclasses should have started at 1st level. nothing much, bonus proficiencies, spells and some flavor. Much better stuff at lvl3

so unified levels: 1,3,6,10,14. no need for 18th level, it's too little, too late for new features.

I agree 100%, but given the public playtest, the problem is with the fanbase, not the company. Sure, they could have defied the playtest results, but they received a clear message that "backward compatibility" was a sacred cow. We can disagree with that, but the survey results gave them clear indications that the majority did not want unified levels.

Voidrunner's Codex

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