D&D 5E Super Monk Jumps

A Monk with Step of the Wind has a Ring of Jumping.

Step of the Wind doubles jump distance, Ring of Jumping triples jump distance.

Assuming she has the movement to do it.... her jump distance would be X6?

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A Monk with Step of the Wind has a Ring of Jumping.

Step of the Wind doubles jump distance, Ring of Jumping triples jump distance.

Assuming she has the movement to do it.... her jump distance would be X6?

I'd allow it. Keep in mind that the monk is still limited by her movement speed.

That said, if you for some reason feel it's overpowered, you can make it additive. In other words, x4 multiplier. (x3 for jump, plus one for step of the wind.)


A Monk with Step of the Wind has a Ring of Jumping.

Step of the Wind doubles jump distance, Ring of Jumping triples jump distance.

Assuming she has the movement to do it.... her jump distance would be X6?

Multipliers are traditionally additive so x4.

You could also think of it as the multiplier as calculation of the bonus, then adding the bonuses together.

So with a default jump of 10ft you would get +10ft +20ft = +30ft for a total of 40ft jump distance.

Here's my sticking point with example of 10 ft default "jump distance".

Step of wind says "jump distance is doubled for turn", so the characters "jump distance" is now 20.

Then use Ring of Jumping which says "jump distance is tripled". Since her actual "jump distance" is now 20, using the ring would make it 60.


Her jump distance was 10 ft.
She may choose one of these options:
A- Step of the Wind doubles 10 ft., allowing her to jump 20 ft.
B- Ring of Jumping triples 10 ft, allowing her to jump 30 ft.

Her base jump distance never changes from 10 ft., so she can choose to use the ring for that extra 10 ft., but the multipliers do not stack.


Her jump distance was 10 ft.
She may choose one of these options:
A- Step of the Wind doubles 10 ft., allowing her to jump 20 ft.
B- Ring of Jumping triples 10 ft, allowing her to jump 30 ft.

Her base jump distance never changes from 10 ft., so she can choose to use the ring for that extra 10 ft., but the multipliers do not stack.

Neither Step of the Wind nor Jump (which the Ring of Jumping lets you cast) mention anything about only affecting base jump distance.



I think it depends on how you want your game's fiction to be. Are large chasms a regular challenge for your party members? Perhaps finding creative ways to travel from the top of one building to the top of another? Do you feel this player will be obnoxious and jump everywhere instead of walking/running?

Personally, I don't find any argument one way or another to be very compelling. I think the end result is: how do you want your game world to look? If you're okay with Monk Player jumping great distances in a single bound and perhaps outshining the other players in these areas, I'd say do it. If jumping these kinds of distances is not all uncommon in your setting, I'd say do it. If you'd prefer to dial back the Wuxia (and a Monk of all classes should be the Wuxia class), then I would say simply don't allow them to stack. Perhaps another player can make use of the Ring of Jumping to help even out the party's mobility (since Monks are already highly mobile).

So, think about how you want your fiction to look, and make the call on that.


Here's my sticking point with example of 10 ft default "jump distance".

Step of wind says "jump distance is doubled for turn", so the characters "jump distance" is now 20.

Then use Ring of Jumping which says "jump distance is tripled". Since her actual "jump distance" is now 20, using the ring would make it 60.

I get it. The question is not whether 2x3=6. If it was then there would be no need for a thread.

In games, especially ones with many possible combinatory effects, this is often how multiplication is handled.

Instead of:


The equation is:


Voidrunner's Codex

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