D&D 5E Super Monk Jumps


First Post
I would love some crouching tiger, hidden dragon, in the game. It would appear the 5E precedence with identical effects is take the strongest one and apply it.

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I get it. The question is not whether 2x3=6. If it was then there would be no need for a thread.

In games, especially ones with many possible combinatory effects, this is often how multiplication is handled.

Instead of:


The equation is:


This may be the case in a previous edition, but there is no indication anywhere in 5e (to my knowledge) that this is the way it should be.

Step of the Wind appears to be designed to make a monk, a class that normally focuses on Dex over Str, be able to jump roughly as far as the high strength fighter. No one would bat an eyelash at a Str 20 fighter jumping 60 feet with the jump spell (aside from how to handle the 10 foot run up). The monk that combines Step of the Wind with the jump spell is just doing the same thing. I would argue that it is designed to be a 60 ft. jump in the OP's scenario.


I would love some crouching tiger, hidden dragon, in the game. It would appear the 5E precedence with identical effects is take the strongest one and apply it.

Actually, that is a really good point. This would easily fall under the section in the PHB at the beginning of the Spells chapter. In this case, 3x would be the total jump distance multiplier but for a different reason than [MENTION=6748898]ad_hoc[/MENTION] was mentioning.


Actually, that is a really good point. This would easily fall under the section in the PHB at the beginning of the Spells chapter. In this case, 3x would be the total jump distance multiplier but for a different reason than [MENTION=6748898]ad_hoc[/MENTION] was mentioning.

This is clarified in XGtE pg 5. The multiple effects must have the same proper name to not overlap.

Also, my answer is x4 not x3.


This may be the case in a previous edition, but there is no indication anywhere in 5e (to my knowledge) that this is the way it should be.

Step of the Wind appears to be designed to make a monk, a class that normally focuses on Dex over Str, be able to jump roughly as far as the high strength fighter. No one would bat an eyelash at a Str 20 fighter jumping 60 feet with the jump spell (aside from how to handle the 10 foot run up). The monk that combines Step of the Wind with the jump spell is just doing the same thing. I would argue that it is designed to be a 60 ft. jump in the OP's scenario.

The 5e specific answer is that it is up to the DM. I was just noting how many other games handle it, and for good reason. The only specific rule I can think of is only adding proficiency bonus to a roll once, and only double it once, regardless of how many effects you may have.

While in this case jumping longer is fine for the game, I am making a more general case against multiplying like this.

I argue that 4 doublings should be 5x not 16x.

Since they're not from the same source, I'd go with the multiplicative stacking rather than overlapped stacking.

Plus, it'd be pretty cool to see what the player does with that.

Go on and turn that super monk jump into a Super Mario jump!


Rotten DM
A Monk with Step of the Wind has a Ring of Jumping.

Step of the Wind doubles jump distance, Ring of Jumping triples jump distance.

Assuming she has the movement to do it.... her jump distance would be X6?
Ring of jumping is a bonus action
Step of the wind is 1 ki pt disengage or dash action AS a BONUS action. SO one or the other.
Jump distance long jump srd page 85. Is str score. So Str x 2 for wind. Jump spell/ring Str * 3

Thanks for the replies everybody.

Doesn't look like there's a clear consensus or rule for this.

My initial feeling was frustration at what I thought seemed OP. But some of the replies here have changed my mind to allow it at X6.

Super Monk Jumping would be super cinematic.

Voidrunner's Codex

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