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Superheroes of the Trust Game Thread II


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(So, anyone want to make a significant speech?)

If no one else objects, I think Hope will. I have something in mind. ;)

After the others make their speech, Saint walks towards the podium, the air around her swirling gently, smelling faintly of autumn. She began to speak, haltingly, sadness and grief heavy in her voice.

"Barrington speaks of peace, yet his actions belie that. Everything he has done have been done in violence, to spread the seeds of pain and fear, terror and hate and of domination through evil. Viridian... Thessely understood this, she joined us to fight this evil, to use her powers to save others in the only way she knew how.

She gave her life to protect the innocent, the helpless. She stood for life, she stood for those who could not stand. Thes was in no way addicted to magic. She used her powers responsibly and with great humility. She knew the risks, knew what she faced. Yet she still stood. That is the true mark of a hero, to stand, even though you know the risks, even though you are afraid of what you face. To stand in the face of real evil and fight.

She did just that."

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Nitro steps up to the podium.

“It is with great sadness that I speak to you today. The most painful funerals are the best attended; for they are for people, like Thessaly, who died so young and with so much promise.

Yet Thessaly accomplished a great deal in her short life. She used her mastery of magic judiciously to aid others and defeat supervillains. She could have chosen to lead the life of a typical college student, her greatest concerns classes and perhaps finding good parties. However, Thessaly instead chose to use her powers to benefit the world, and that she did.

Thessaly was instrumental in the battle in which she lost her life, using her magic to cause the majority of the enemy army to flee in terror. Then she confronted four dangerous supervillains almost single-handedly and paid the ultimate price.

Even before I knew her, she had defeated the supervillain Red Death, braving facing the poison-gas using villain alone. She knew the risks of a caped existence. Yet from the first night I met her, Thessaly never forgot who she was, that though she spent time as Viridian, the costumed avenger, she was always Thessaly at heart. Parents strive to give their children roots and wings. Thessaly had both, but she learned, as did Icarus, that wings, though a blessing, sometimes become a curse.

We must not forget that Barrington is responsible for the events that led to Thessaly’s death, and that his unquenchable thirst for power and willingness to murder any and all who stand in his way have not abated. Thessaly lives on in each of us and in her memory we will strive to defeat Barrington, exemplifying the ideals she lived and died for.”


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Hope can still hear the protesters and Hanna leading the pack of them. She scowls as she takes her seat. She wished she could show them exactly what Barrington was. Oh she wanted to throw it to their faces and rub it in.

Bitch. Smearing Thes' name with lies.
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First Post
Hope turns to the others as well as Thes' parents.

"I know of a spell, an old spell, the rite of the fallen. It... provides a fitting memorial for the honoured dead, one that incorporates all of our positive feelings towards the deceased into one act of tribute as it were. I have prepared the vessel, it only needs our combined will, our thoughts to activate it. I was thinking we could do this at the burial," she said after the others have finished with their speeches.

"I can think of no greater farewell than this,"

I'm thinking of a living tree made of crystal, or something similar with an ornate crystal plaque or headstone at the base, maybe intertwined with Viridian and the groups costume colours/motifs, perhaps with rose vines or something similar. ;)

(Hope recognizes that casting spells at a Catholic funeral -- in a Cathedral even -- would cause some serious problems. Are you sure you want to do that?)


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Star glares at Hope. WTF is wrong with you? She slides over toward the podium. Teary eyed and often choked up, Megan begins her own short speech:

"Thess had many amazing powers. She could smash a robot with a telekinetic throw. She could find people across vast distances. And her power could even rewrite the emotions of others."

"But her most important ability was the will to not take advantage despite those gifts. It just seems to accepted that of course someone with a kind of power - not just a super power, but also wealth, political position or influence, skill fame, etc - will use it to put themselves ahead first. Will take what they want first. But hey, as long as some stuff we like is offered along the way, then there's no problem - because another person in that position would be just as selfish."

"I'm not saying that our cynicism isn't or hasn't been justified. But maybe by never expecting or demanding anything better we're selling ourselves short. Maybe we can do better. After all, there are people like Thessaly. Or maybe this tragedy is why we don't."

Whatever. I'm not very good at this - Nitro is better - but I should try to say something right? We're not just the crazy person and Nitro show. But no one really cares; in a week there will be some new thing for people to focus on instead.


First Post
(Hope recognizes that casting spells at a Catholic funeral -- in a Cathedral even -- would cause some serious problems. Are you sure you want to do that?)

Probably not and... Didn't realize. Eep! Thanks for the second chance to not go there. :cool:

When Star sits down, Saint squeezes her shoulder in understanding. "You did well," you can hear the anger under the grief. "Those people outside wouldn't know real.... Heroism and restraint if it bit them."

You can tell she wanted to say something foul, but she held it back.
Probably by biting her tongue. Literally.
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Fangor the Fierce

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Wren was not used to this. Funerals were not his forte, but the young woman who now laid inside the coffin brought about a change in his heart. He knew what Barrington was. He knew where he came from. He knew more about his alien race than Barrington would admit to. Now, with all these cameras, newspeople, witnesses and such, it was time to even the playing field...

Wren stands, nodding to the ones that had spoken on behalf of their slain ally. He takes his steps smoothly, noting the eyes of the people as they follow him to the podium. As he stands, he first peers out into the faces of all those around him, sensing for any cosmic anomalies, simply out of habit. Then, he speaks...

"We all have our reasons for being here today. Some to show their appreciation to one so full of hope, some to simply bring a shadow over what we all know to be happening. Thessaly was young at heart, but not weak. She trusted in each of us, to fight for what we know to be right, as we trusted in her with equal faith in her abilities."

"She will be remembered for what she was. A beacon that we will all fight to honor. Youth, strength, honor, trust, and good will. That was what Thessaly fought for, and what we will continue to fight for as well. Barrington was her killer. Not by his hand, but by his orders, her death was none the less another act on his campaign. Had you known the real Barrignton, then you would know his true meaning. To those that are on the fence, not sure of which path to follow, I say this, only follow your heart, and not your eyes. Behind many facades, the truth may be too well hidden to be seen. Do not let the truth be hidden behind false images, and seek out the truth. If you allow yourself to be lead into a false sense of security by Barrington and his followers, then I am truly sorry for you all. Thessaly stood up against those claims of his that we were the enemy. She stood tall, and she stood firm. Do not let her conviction go wasted, as I know we have no intention of doing so."

Wren hesitates; the words running through his mind. He thinks on them, replaying what he would want to say, but stops to peer into the eyes of the crowd.... all the while, thinking ....."Thessaly helped us find out the truth. Of Barrington's lies. 'Barrington'... another lie of his. By any other name, murder is murder, lies are lies, and the truth, is freedom from those shadows. For Thessaly, his lies will be shown to the world. Ares, will be stopped before his plans come to fruition. Before he allows earth to follow in the steps of his last world. Barrington... Ares... and all the names he has used before, to hide behind his murderous schemes and lies, will be brought to justice. Thessaly will not be avenged, she will be honored.

But instead, he knows that this is not the place. Perhaps after the funeral, he would speak those words, and wait to see the reaction from Barrington's face, of his secrets and lies revealed. But, let him keep his false sense of accomplishment. It will only hurt that much more, when the truth is revealed...


First Post
The speeches seem to be received well...the crowd seems moved. Its hard to tell of course, since this is a funeral, not a political rally. People aren't really supposed to give much response, other tan crying.

Lady Liberty speaks next.

"I did not know Thessaly that well, and I thank all of you for your moving words. From the short time I knew her, I saw a hero. She was not only concerned with protecting the innocent or bringing the guilty to justice...vigilantes and even bounty hunters can have those qualities -- but above all she wanted to do that in the RIGHT WAY. She never took a life, even though she had one particular power -- which she virtually never used -- that could do so quite efficiently. It always hurts to lose someone so young, and it is all the more tragic considering the future she certainly had waiting for her. It pains me to imagine those who will not be saved with her gone.

Tragic as her death was, it did not merely happen. It was an intentional act -- by a second-rate terrorist armed by Barrington and his crew with weapons he never should have had access to. Barrington has become popular in many parts of the world. Even in Freedom City, he has his supporters. Some of them are across the street, and can hear this on the loudspeakers. Allow me for a moment to talk about freedom...As an incarnation of liberty itself, I know a thing or two about this. I say this to his supporters --

Barrington says he offers you progress and freedom from oppression. But he does not. He lies. He offers you indentured servitude in return for his gifts. Look at the lands that support Barrington. Those that flocked to his banner were generally not free in the first place and are no more free now. He counts on your gratitude to make you lay down your lives for his cause, sometimes directly, sometimes through host governments. He takes advnatage of poverty and desparation to buy loyalty on the cheap. Many have done this. Hamas and Hezbollah built their quasi-states using this very strategy, and their people are no better off from it -- and certainly no more free.

You might think that the technologies he offers grant you freedom, but instead they offer you servitude in his armies. Even when you yourself are not forced into battle, others are fighting, and many are suffering. Many -- like Thessaly -- are being killed by Barington's armies. Do not think that you are free when our freedom is fueled by the killing and bullying of others. You are merely trading your own misfortunes for far greater misfortunate for other people. When you accept Barrington;s aid, when you join his cause, when you volunteer for his humanitarian efforts, you are in fact oppressing others. You may have more comfort for your bodies but your souls belong to him.

To those supporters here and in other areas not allied with Barrington, I implore you to consider his deeds and his allies. Why is it that supervillains, terrorists, and dictators worldwide have welcomed him, while free peoples are skeptical? Why are his right-hand men an insane child who likes to smash cities with giant robots and a former KGB Superagent? Why did his first public act involve taking most of the Freedom League as hostage, whom he has still not yet released.

Thessaly is but one of his many victims, and there will be so many more until he is stopped -- both among his enemies, and those who follow him. Listen to what all have said today about her. Then imagine the funerals of each and every person that Barrnigton has killed, or soon will. Some will not even get funerals. Many who perished at the hands of Barrington-backed forces in Arfica the last two weeks have mostly been dumped unceremoniously in mass graves, unmarked and unknown to their loved ones.

Do not allow there to be more funerals lie this one. Do not allow any more young lives to end so tragically."

Just then, Barrington himself appears in the aisle. Then the guns come out. The two guards at the front of the church open their coats and draw a gun in each hand, drawing and firing in the blink of an eye. Harriman's sniper rifle blasts off too. Black, in the audience, draws but is quick enough to not fire as soon as he sees the even faster church guards try it. Slower or less eager guards and police draw down on him too. Optic can see that this Barrington is a holographic projection from somewhere, but the others cannot. Bullets go right through him. Fortunately, only walls are wounded.

"What wonderful words. I'm just here to pay my respects" he says "...and express my regret for this tragic accident. The purpose of that mission was to free heroes unjustly improsoned...it was only a tragic fluke that Thessaly was slain in an accident involving non-lethal weaponry."
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