D&D (2024) Survey is Live for Unearthed Arcana PHB Playtest 8

I don't think Deflect Attack is too good. I think that's exactly what the Monk needed to be able to stay in melee, and the damage they do is in line with other melee fighting PCs.

mass healing word's healing quantity is sort of meaningless most of the time. The difference between healing 1 hit point of damage and 17 hit points of damage at those levels is the same - one hit and you'd go back down anyway.
See, I do. It is too good at low levels. Martial arts die instead of d10 would help. I'd probably go for 2 martial arts dice + half monk level or such.
Or make it a martial art die + prof bonus + dex and add monk level and damage after spending a ki point.
I don't say it should be nerfed into oblivion. It just feels a tiny bit too much compared to other abilities (uncanny dodge).

There is a difference between 1 and 2d4 per spell level. Usually the difference between surviving a low level area spell or not. (Ah, this is what low level are spells can be used for).

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I was under the impression you were saying they couldnt hear it well to benefit. Otherwise there's no point to nerfing it.

Halving the healing just further exacerbates the ping ponging you wish to avoid.
I explained my point. No it does not. Because you should use it before people go down. Actually I would not be unhappy if it does not work on downed creatures at all.

And maybe you should read the words instead of assuming. If I was unclear, ask.

I explained my point. No it does not. Because you should use it before people go down. Actually I would not be unhappy if it does not work on downed creatures at all.

And maybe you should read the words instead of assuming. If I was unclear, ask.
Sure, you want bonus action healing to do less, so they hit 0 faster. This also results in healing word making people pop up with less to drop faster to remove ping pong healing. Your logic is incredibly sound.


Jedi Master
Vast majority of my answers were Very Satisfied. Really only had a few notes for things I rated only as Satisfied.
  • Barbarian - Brutal Strike should be decoupled from Reckless, and instead work by giving up advantage on an attack anytime you have it.
  • Barbarian - Persistent Rage should actually be Persistent. You're always Raging unless you choose not to be.
  • Barbarian - World Tree Barb (put Very Dissatisfied on this) Travel Along the Tree - Go back to previous version, which was awesome.
  • Monk - Deflect Attacks - Level should be added to damage mitigation only if you are also using Patient Defense
  • Druid - Noted that the Owlbear better make it as a beast in the PHB.
  • Cure Wounds/ Healing Word - Suggested that casting at higher levels should only add 1 die per level upcast, rather than 2

I don't think Deflect Attack is too good.
I noted that, while I love the theme of it, it swings too much between 'too good' and 'not good enough', based on how many attacks are coming in. And it's kind of busted at low levels, where there's less multi-attacks and number of enemies in the first place.

The obvious limiter would be to make it cost Ki to deflect, but we just moved away from everything costing Ki...


Jedi Master
I noted that, while I love the theme of it, it swings too much between 'too good' and 'not good enough', based on how many attacks are coming in. And it's kind of busted at low levels, where there's less multi-attacks and number of enemies in the first place.

The obvious limiter would be to make it cost Ki to deflect, but we just moved away from everything costing Ki...
My suggestion was to limit the +Monk Level damage mitigation portion to only work if you are also currently using Patient Defense. For me it works both thematically and gameplay wise. With this, IF a hit comes through your PD, you can get a massive damage mitigation to it at higher levels. At lower levels, the Ki and opportunity cost of getting the full version prevents it from being something you do every round.

Sure, you want bonus action healing to do less, so they hit 0 faster. This also results in healing word making people pop up with less to drop faster to remove ping pong healing. Your logic is incredibly sound.
No. Try reading again. I want it to heal more as long as you have hp remaining.

I break it up for you, as it seems difficult to grasp:

Healing word at...
0 hp -> 1D4 HP per level.
1 or more hp -> 2d4 HP per level.

So it gives a bonus over current healing word if you use it timely. So maybe people actually use it that way.
After that pop up and down as much as you like. No change fromt the current situation.

Sorry that I did not make myself clear enough. English is hard.

Voidrunner's Codex

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