Animated Armor 21
Bronze Scout 20
Cadaver Collector 20
Clay Golem 18
Duergar Hammerer 20 Duergar Screamer 17 - These are actually pretty fun; got some good use out of both Duergar contraptions from that book
Duodrone 20 Flesh Golem 19 - Actually, Frank is the wizard's name; this is Frank's Flesh Golem.
Flying Sword 20
Hellfire Engine 20
Helmed Horror 20
Homunculus 20
Iron Cobra 17
Iron Golem 20
Marut 21
Monodrone 20
Oaken Bolter 18
Pentadrone 19
Quadrone 20
Retriever 20
Rug of Smothering 20
Scarecrow 21
Shield Guardian 20
Steel Predator 20+1=21
Stone Cursed 20
Stone Defender 20
Stone Golem 20
Tridrone 20