D&D 5E Survivor Core Classes- Fighter Wins!

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The Old Crow

Bard 18
Cleric 10
Druid 11
Fighter 20
Monk 12
Paladin 16
Ranger 3
Rogue 25
Warlock 17
Wizard 20

Rogue is up because Cunning Action is the best action.

Druid is down because I want shape shifting into a bear at 15 to be as effective as it was at low level, rather than having to be ever bigger and more exotic forms. Because who doesn't want to be a bear, always?


First Post
Bard 18+1=19
Cleric 10
Druid 11
Fighter 20-2=18
Monk 12
Paladin 16
Ranger 3
Rogue 25
Warlock 17
Wizard 20

Upset with Barbarians, Rangers, and/or Paladins? Well maybe the fighter shouldn't have farmed out all of it's flavor.

Bards are cool. They do cool stuff.


Morkus from Orkus
Bard 19
Cleric 10
Druid 11
Fighter 18
Monk 10
Paladin 16
Ranger 3
Rogue 25
Warlock 17
Wizard 24

I scrolled back an entire page and wizard should be at 23 before my vote.


Bard 18
Cleric 11
Druid 11
Fighter 18
Monk 9
Paladin 13 - Mutter, mutter, grumble, grumble, kvetch-kvetch, moan. Sorry, but goody-two shoes types grate on my grungy sense of propriety.
Ranger 4 - After the Apocalypse, Who Ya Gonna Call? The Ranger is Your Friend. (Uh-oh. That just called up memories of the Paranoia RPG ... )
Rogue 25
Warlock 17
Wizard 22


Bard 16 Damned fops....
Cleric 11
Druid 11
Fighter 18
Monk 9
Paladin 14 A few things here... 1) Because we know @lowkey13 is secretly in the closet about his paladin love... 2) They are clearly the superior class. 3) Who doesn't like the knight in shining armor concept? They epitomize everything that is right and good in the world(unlike bards which are everything bad and wrong in the world). 4) There is no four. 5) And my final point is... How are rogues at 25? Like seriously? I haven't been following along due to life recently but wow. I mean I like rogues but the top? Rise up my compatriots! Show everyone that it's not the criminal/thief/backstabbingwithaballista class that deserves to be at the top but a good and decent class that's noble and good. /rant?
Ranger 4
Rogue 25
Warlock 17
Wizard 22

Edit: Simultaneous post...

Voidrunner's Codex

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