D&D 5E Survivor Core Classes- Fighter Wins!

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
Bard 16
Cleric 11
Druid 11
Fighter 18
Monk 9 + 1 = 10 Mobility plus status-effect Striker (but not DPR alas)
Paladin 14
Ranger 4 - 2 = 2 Too many features that depend on the DM (and the setting), not the Player, to function.
Rogue 25
Warlock 17
Wizard 22


Jedi Master
Bard 16
Cleric 9 - Most "Meh" Class this edition
Druid 11
Fighter 18
Monk 10
Paladin 14
Ranger 3 - Fun to play and DM for even while being slightly behind the power curve
Rogue 25
Warlock 17
Wizard 22


Bard 16
Cleric 9
Druid 11
Fighter 18
Monk 8 - Jack of all trades, but not really good enough at battlefield control, damage or utility to feel special. Not really the flavor I want to feel in the class.
Paladin 14
Ranger 3
Rogue 25
Warlock 17
Wizard 23 - More fun than people realize


Bard 16
Cleric 9
Druid 11
Fighter 18
Monk 8
Paladin 14
Ranger 3
Rogue 25
Warlock 18 - Now this is a caster, non of that hard-to-explain, unrealistic psuedo-vancian rubbish.
Wizard 21 - Less fun to play with than people realize

Tony Vargas

The 5e Wizard is non-vancian, using the same mechanic that the "spontaneous" 3e Sorcerer used.
It still memorizes ('prepares') spells from a book - it's 'neo-Vancian,' like Vancian, but better (because, y'know, Wizards just weren't OP enough in prior editions). ;P

Bard 17
Cleric 9
Druid 11
Fighter 19
Monk 8
Paladin 14
Ranger 1
Rogue 25
Warlock 18
Wizard 19



It still memorizes ('prepares') spells from a book - it's 'neo-Vancian,' like Vancian, but better (because, y'know, Wizards just weren't OP enough in prior editions). ;P
5e Wizard is especially non-vancian because there is no need to "memorize" or "prepare" spells if the same spells from the previous day are still useful the next day. A Wizard who loses the spellbook can still keep on casting spells each day. The only time a 5e Wizard "prepares" a spell is if wanting to swap in a different spell. This makes sense from a flavor rationale, and works well for mechanical balance.


( Huh. I didnt know that you hated Rangers. )


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Bard 17
Cleric 9
Druid 11
Fighter 19
Monk 9
Paladin 14
Ranger 0 - And dead.
Rogue 25
Warlock 18
Wizard 19

Voidrunner's Codex

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