D&D 5E Survivor Outer Planes: YSGARD REIGNS SUPREME!

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Lord of the Hidden Layer
Abyss 12 + 1 = 13
Arborea/Olympus 15 - 2 = 13
Arcadia 7
Baator/The Nine Hells 15
Beastlands/Happy Hunting Grounds 13
Ysgard/Gladsheim 14

Hmm: one weakling, three tied and the other two barely ahead of that.


First Post
Abyss 11 + 1 = 12
Arborea/Olympus 13
Arcadia 7
Baator/The Nine Hells 15
Beastlands/Happy Hunting Grounds 14 -2 = 12
Ysgard/Gladsheim 14

Joining to kill the plane of the furries. Optional Rule: Beast Transformation -> Do Not Want!


Abyss 12
Arborea/Olympus 14
Arcadia 7
Baator/The Nine Hells 13
Beastlands/Happy Hunting Grounds 12
Ysgard/Gladsheim 13

Voidrunner's Codex

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