D&D (2024) 2024 Players Handbook: Cleric rules are culturally inclusive

I never felt D&D cared too much about real world definition of Priest and Cleric, beyond the vague idea of "person of faith". I started playing in 2e and there the Cleric and Druid classes fell under the Priest group. And while Priests were formally said to get his power from a deity, their description added that the actual religion didn't need to be specified beyond some general principles like "good", "evil", and some settings like Dark Sun and Planescape explicitly had clerics worshiping abstract forces and philosophies. So I never felt the system prevented representation of some religious traditions, but I've never been fond of playing cleric in the first place.

Nonetheless, I'm glad they changed the wording so that more people feel included.

I also wasn't aware of the modern English connotation of the terms. In my native language, both words retain the original Latin meaning: Cleric was a member of the ordained hierarchy of the Christian church, and Priest was a specific rank of that hierarchy. The generic term for religious leader would translate to "holy person".

Yeah been running D&D exclusively with 2E and the class is pretty open and customizable (it is the best/worst thing about the class in that edition)

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Can I worship Rose, Blanche or Dorothy?
Why not Sophia Petrillo? She was the smartest and wisest. Don't you remember that story: "Sicilia: year 1920..I was that girl, and that young boy was Indiana Jones!"

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I would be more comfortable with the change if I didn't already have the impression from prior editions that people wanted to play paladins and warlocks without involved patrons simply because they don't want to be beholden to some greater power or organization.

It's like how some players tend to always take a race with darkvision simply because they don't want to be stuck without a light. It's a very strange kind of self sufficient reflex that really confuses me the longer that I play.

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