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Suspension of Disbelief stretched to the breaking point in the World of Darkness


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delericho said:
If you're not enjoying the game, but feel it can be redeemed, speak to the GM. If you're not enjoying the game, and don't feel it can be redeemed, don't play.

And that's the bottom line in ANY of these kinds of situations.

"Friend" and other baggage usually just means that you're willing to put up with the torture for longer periods of time.

Me, I'd have to tell her that I wasn't interested in a game where "We have no chance to survive, it's only a matter of how long before we die". Well, that and the whole untouchable UberVampire/Pet DMPC thingy.

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Mishihari Lord

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It sounds to me like you're not having fun because of the style of the game, which is not neccesarily correlated with suspension of disbelief. You're essentialy playing a dungeon crawl when you want to be out in the world. That's an issue you can bring up to the DM without being offemsive because it's a gamestyle issue, not a quality of gamemastering issue.

I haven't played in the World of Darkness setting, but from what I know about it, I don't think I'd have a SoD problem with your adventure. You've got a bored, godlike vampire who likes to play with mortals. If you have a bored godlike vampire in the first place, that's not so unreasonable. Huge underground caverns in Sicily? Maybe they started off natural and he developed them. Maybe he imported thousands of slaves circa 1000 BC on a deserted coast and hollowed it out, then killed them or turned them into mosnters for the labyrinth. Super VR? He's secretly kidnapped to scientists in this area and dropped billions of dollars into development. And if I remember right, the WoD there's some kind of mages as well. With magic you can handwave anything.


wingsandsword said:
Yes, because the idea behind the World of Darkness is that it's superficially the same as the real world, the idea that to the typical denizen, our world and the WoD are pretty much identical.

Another key concept of the WoD is that the vampires have to work diligently to keep their existence secret, because they are afraid of what mundane humans would do to them if their secret were known.

Anyone who can hide a 75-cubic-mile excavation in Sicily full of bleeding edge engineering and VR gadgetry don't need no steenkin' 'masquerade'.


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Just a quick note. Many people here have alluded this but I am saying it anyway.

WoD can have different themes and genre's. I once played in a game of Masquerade set 100 years in the future in a cyberpunk style world.

If this GM wants an endless Dungeon Crawl then I see nothing wrong with the setting. I could forgive a few errors of reality. Especially if she is a young inexperienced GM.

That said, I would probably complain just as much :)


I got dice older than you.
Hey wingandasword, stop letting your 12 year old neighbor run your games. (At least that's who it sounds like is running it.)


I say give her the boot....don't take the wussy way out.

A GM like this would be booted damn near instantly in our group. We value what little gaming time we get, no need to waste it if you are not having fun.


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Ah, but the Storyteller gave you the answer. Only a nuke would hurt the Elder. So, obviously, when you get out, steal a nuke, and destroy this massive complex, and it with it. Heck, the place sounds large enough to absorb most of the explosion anyway, no one else need know what happened.

The other option - if you can get the other players to agree, in game, is passive resistance. "You are so powerful, we can't hurt you in any way, you can do anything to us. But - we will do nothing for you. You are our enemy. If the only thing we can do to hurt you is deny you pleasure, then we will do it. And you sit down. And do nothing. And wait. Make the darn Elder dominate you if he wants you to dance to his whims. No entertainment for you bully boy, unless you get some pleasure from killing us. Oh, you can, but then you get no more entertainment from us. Lose-Lose. Want to work *with* us for a win-win?" It will probably drive the ST nuts. But the bottom line is you aren't having fun in game. You've tried out of game converstations, now try to make it very clear, in game - no more, either kill us, or let us out.


Zog - I like that one actually. There comes a time when a game should be held hostage or terminated. If there is the ghost of a chance that the game will be salvageable, go the passive resistance route. After all, it's only a character. If you go into it with the absolute conviction that the death of your PC doesn't matter, then, you can really turn the tables.

But, honestly, since I remember this from the last time WSW, just drop the game for a while. It's not worth it.

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