Lord of the depths
All I know is that for decades my wife and I chant “bizarro I’m helping!” When helping one another…made and impression along with honey onion maple loafI've never heard of Sealab, what is it about?
All I know is that for decades my wife and I chant “bizarro I’m helping!” When helping one another…made and impression along with honey onion maple loafI've never heard of Sealab, what is it about?
Aesthetically, she could definitely pull it off.
But can Barbarella be remade today with any faithfulness to the original while still bringing something new to the table?
Well, no, not really. The only thing the original really has going for it are the visuals (and I don't mean Jane Fonda's amazing figure) and being where Duran Duran got their name. I'm honestly surprised anyone would remake it. But if it looks good, I'll get around to watching it.Anyone else excited for this?
Oh, I want to see Adrienne Barbeu voice the Adrienne Barbeubot!I was hoping she would star in a live-action Sealab 2021 movie as Captain Murphy.
Like what?
Wes Anderson.I mean, the one thing I can imagine is having it done by someone with a strong visual style, like Guillermo del Toro or Tim Burton.
Indeed, what makes Barbarella interesting is it epitomises the swinging sixties. Maybe it epitomises the 2020s in that there are no original ideas?Not sure what to make of this. Barbarella is a psychedelic '60s film, based on a rather risque French comic by the same name.