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T20: High Law and Low Justice, Part 3

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Douane said:
Absently Zaed starts kneading one of his ears.

"Well, I'll be the first to admit that I don't have the slightest idea about why merchants do the things they do, but converting corsairs into cruise liners seems really strange. I mean, they were built to do a lot of things, yet somehow I don't think hauling passengers around for the sake of it was among them.

But I'll tell you one thing I know for certain: Corsairs are a sneaky bunch!

I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them and that's not very far." Turning to Vyrkris, he continues and underlines his next sentence with a re-assuring smile. "Of course, that's not due to a lack of physical strength, anything but! It's simply, well, most Vargr aren't very aerodynamic."
Vyrkris smiles happily at Zaedhrarrg, and seems about to say something more when Julia responds to him. "I know, Zedherg, it's seems like a damned fool thing to do - but here's the thing: apparently wealthy Luriani just seems to *love* it. Last year, before the Mercantile Council came into play, a Corsair Cruise was the hardest ticket to get on the Luriani worlds. Malikot started making the kind of money that made them start to forget about the fact that the Duke had cancelled their merc license and confiscated their strike craft.

A Friend of mine has seen one of these ships - it was bigger than other corsairs he'd seen, and they'd decked out every square meter of the walls with HiranuWorld-style pirate regalia. " She grimaces slightly as she says this last. "No accounting for taste. Even among the idle rich, I guess."

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OOC: after a couple minutes, Tomas is able to cut his way through the interference, and create a channel back to the other boat. Trelene already had her end set up, but inactive. There is now two-way secure communication between the boats


A suffusion of yellow
Maerdwyn said:
OOC: after a couple minutes, Tomas is able to cut his way through the interference, and create a channel back to the other boat. Trelene already had her end set up, but inactive. There is now two-way secure communication between the boats

Tomas looked up from the com unit with a grin on his face as the connection was finally made. He had had to reroute some of the wiring and shortcut the modulator to boost the signal but it was there and ready...

(ooc sorry been sick then away at classes)


"Secure comm link's up," Ruzz'koff announces and flicks the pickup and speakers to general so everyone can talk*" Ker alpha this is ker beta. I make 3.68 hours to the Dvonn's last known location by my plot. Do we have any idea as to their last known course and rate of drift so we can plot an estimated current position?" he looks at Vykris and the Captain, "Did they include that data in the transmission?"

*I'm not sure if that should require a skill roll to do. It's just rather easier (IC and OOC) to talk if everyone can hear and be heard.


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Wilphe said:
*I'm not sure if that should require a skill roll to do. It's just rather easier (IC and OOC) to talk if everyone can hear and be heard.
ooc: Completely agree. :) Putting the boats on "speakerphone" doesn't require a roll, as most boats can do this. Plotting a direct course from scratch is usually a DC15 roll (I think - don't have my book with me this week), but since, the courses were previously programmed to account for drift (about 2.5 hours ago) it should be easy to extrapolate the movement since, so altering the programmed course to account for the new positions is a DC10 piloting check.
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Julia says, " No, but my crew made them pretty easily off active sensor data. I had Tagir send all the data we had to each boat's conn. "


"Hey beta. You are now either; a. a traveller; b. a criminal; c. totally deranged; or d. all of the above. Thank you for flying Hijack Spaceways.

Julia said:
.... pretty easily off active sensor data. I had Tagir send all the data we had to each boat's conn."

Julia's comment fortunately allows Saanath to jump back in before the silence grows too painful.

"What was that about sensor data. I'd really like to know as much as possible before we get there. As you have the the wounded and the brains on your boat, while we have a grunt, an greaser and some dumb farmboy, I thought we should handle the heavy lifting end while you do the eyes and ears thing. How are you guys with that sort of thing?

" and I think that we have to proceed on the basis that Mr NellsC could, and God help us if he is be right about the Dvonn.

"Which is why I'm wearing my vacc suit.

"Have you been able to confirm where the jamming is comming from? I'm assuming that it is just Mr Nels-C doing his party pooper thing as usual."


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Quinn pulls a cigar out of his breast pocket and begins to chew on it.

He cracks his knuckles and settles in for a nap.


"The jamming is centred on the Keruuchan, I don't have a problem with you guys doing the rescue - but we have the medic remember, if there are casulaties we will need to bring them aboard here."

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