[Take 2] Let's See a Pic of Your Gaming Group!

I'm A Banana

I would post a picture, but I'm affraid my collossally sexy body would probably break the boards again, so you might have to wait until Aldebaran is on the rise next....

I could post one pic at a time of everyone, but that'd be a lot of effort....and a lot of big files....;)

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Kamikaze Midget said:
I would post a picture, but I'm affraid my collossally sexy body would probably break the boards again

Here, you can borrow my shirt (below) ~


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Ao the Overkitty

First Post
Well, Paul was wearing his Boba Fett t-shirt last night, so was appropriately dressed for picture taking. So, here is a picture of the Albany group's monday night players.


I find it funny that you can't see the rulebook for either game this group plays, but there is a PHB in the picture.

For my Firefly game:
Liz is Asta Sarv (sadistic doctor)
Ryan is Campan Lar (thug with a debt problem)
Paul is Mort Casse (meglomaniacal mechanic)
Gabe is Daniel Jardin (former corrupt lawman; still corrupt, just no lnger a lawman)
Dan is Ivan Nigel Take (fairly easy going captain/pilot)

For Paul's Exalted game:
Lori is Ceridwyn (No Moon caste Lunar; babysitter of the group)
Liz is Jade's Luck (Zenith caste Solar; geisha house good luck charm)
Alex (me) is Gareth (Twilight caste Solar; craftsman extraordinaire)
Guedo79 is A-dom (Dawn caste Solar; thiefly thug necromancer)
Gabe is Sessus Wejin Jahar (Eclipse caste Solar; sorcerer of noble house)
Dan is Patient Tiger (Night caste Solar; thiefly assassin, also bodyguard of Jahar)


This is a couple years old. The "vets" of our Living Greyhawk group halfway through the deathtrap known as The Isles of Woe. I'll try to get a pic of my current group, who plays in my IH homebrew, but it'll be a couple weeks before we meet again.


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