[Take 2] Let's See a Pic of Your Gaming Group!

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Here's most of my gaming group. From left to right there's Roland, Leonard, Chris, Dan and Jon. That's at a smaller game run by Roland, which he also created, called Dunaan. Not pictured is myself (of course), and there's a couple others who don't play in that game.


There's a pic from a few years ago of some friends I ran d20 Modern for. You might recognize Jon from the pic above lighting the "super pipe", Brandon has his face in the cardboard tube, Joe's the one holding the bowl, and Joelle's on the couch.


And just so I'm not totally off the hook, there's a pic from about the same time period of me and Jon about to get midieval on eachothers' arses.


From left to right: the DM, Gracie the dread necromancer, Gaithlin the Summoner, Solveig the half-giant warblade, 8311 the Warforged, and Alexavier the Duskblade.

-DM Jeff


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Here's my current Friday night D&D group in Second Life:

Left to Right: Palemoon Twilight as Elzbeth LeFleur (human paladin), me as NPC bard, Liona Clio as Lorien Mistvale (elf ranger), and Piper Erato as Lazell Jollyweather (halfling rogue).


Dragonbait said:
Could you provide a line-up of the characters in daylight? I'd like to see how they look in a head-on screencap.

I usually force midnight when we play; it's more atmospheric-- I'll take a snap tomorrow and post it. For now, enjoy this snap of Lorien, with her pet:


Lorien's player, Liona, has done an amazing build on her avatar. Her bow is scripted, her pet is animated, I love the animation she has when she's stalking around with the bow. My other players have put hours into their PC avatars, too.

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