D&D 5E Take A Peek At Fortune's Wheel Table of Contents

Planescape's included adventure will have you exploring several gate-towns!

Now that Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse is imminent, the tables of contents are visible on D&D Beyond. We've already seen the table of contents of the setting books and the bestiary, and now here's the included adventure, Turn of Fortune's Wheel!

Turn of Fortune's Wheel ToC.png


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Yeah, I did not realize that. I just assumed it meant galavanting around the planes a la Spelljammer except using portals instead of pirate ships.
I don’t know how common it was to mashup Spelljammer and Planescape during the kitchen table games of the 1990s, but the settings were contemporary so I assume it was common enough. Since 4E (which published neither setting but borrowed from both) WotC’s strategy seems to be to integrate them both—Planescape travels the planes, while Spelljammer travels between material planes and/or planets. In practice they do achieve kind of the same effect, but with different themes.

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I don’t know how common it was to mashup Spelljammer and Planescape during the kitchen table games of the 1990s, but the settings were contemporary so I assume it was common enough. Since 4E (which published neither setting but borrowed from both) WotC’s strategy seems to be to integrate them both—Planescape travels the planes, while Spelljammer travels between material planes and/or planets. In practice they do achieve kind of the same effect, but with different themes.
One of the issues with Spelljammer when it first came out is it was somewhat incompatible with the default D&D cosmology.

I imagine the assumption is that DMsGuild will fill out the multiverse pretty quickly.
Doubtless! It would still be cool to get a hardback though. In 5E fashion, it would probably be Morte’s Manual of the Planes and be at least 50% new character options, but that’s okay.

EDIT: It will probably also be a mashup of Planescape, Spelljammer, and other stuff including settings whose planes are supposed to be distinct like Eberron’s.

Doubtless! It would still be cool to get a hardback though. In 5E fashion, it would probably be Morte’s Manual of the Planes and be at least 50% new character options, but that’s okay.

EDIT: It will probably also be a mashup of Planescape, Spelljammer, and other stuff including settings whose planes are supposed to be distinct like Eberron’s.
They already did that book, it's called Journeys Through The Radiant Citadel.

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