Critical Role Tal’Dorei Reborn from Critical Role's Darrington Press

Critical Role's publishing arm, Darrington Press, has announced that it is relaunching the Tal'Dorei campaign setting (which was originally published inn 2017 by Green Ronin). The new setting is called Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn and will launch in late 2021/early 2022.

Since we launched Darrington Press, one product has been asked for again and again: the popular and out-of-print Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting.

Today, we are delighted to announce that the sourcebook is coming back, in a shiny new form: Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting Reborn—lovingly hashtagged #TalDoreiReborn for short. This definitive sourcebook brings the locations, people, creatures, and character options of Critical Role’s Tal’Dorei to your gaming table, complete with 5th edition stats for new magic items, subclasses, and even the members of Vox Machina. Whether you’re a fan of the original sourcebook or are totally new to Tal’Dorei, this book is for you.


The book is double the size of the original, at 280 pages, and advances the setting by two decades.

Inside, you'll find info on each major region of the setting, 9 new subclasses and 5 new backgrounds, new magic items, creatures, and updated stat blocks for the members of Vox Machina.

There will also be a deluxe boxed set from Beadle & Grimm's.

The FAQ indicates that it will not be possible to buy the PDF-only version at launch, but if you buy from the Critical Role shop you get the PDF bundled in (not if you buy it elsewhere though).

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On the left edge of the map it says "to the south west farmlands"
To be fair, I didn't notice that myself until you mentioned it (and even then I had to hunt around the periphery and turn my head sideways).

My own take on "realism" in regards to fantasy settlements is that things are realistic so long as they're convenient for me as the DM.

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To be fair, I didn't notice that myself until you mentioned it (and even then I had to hunt around the periphery and turn my head sideways).

My own take on "realism" in regards to fantasy settlements is that things are realistic so long as they're convenient for me as the DM.
Magic, advanced firearms and magitech, dragons, golems, beholders, mimics, oh my. There's so much "realism" that's routinely thrown out just to make the game function as a whole...physics, chemistry, square-cube law, etc. "Where's the farms?" is so tiring in a game about wizards throwing fireballs, clerics talking to their gods and summoning magic food & water, bards singing wounds closed, and druids turning into anything from a spider to a massive elemental. There are two answers to these kinds of questions: 1) it doesn't matter, and; 2) it's off the map. CR went with option 2.

Magic, advanced firearms and magitech, dragons, golems, beholders, mimics, oh my. There's so much "realism" that's routinely thrown out just to make the game function as a whole...physics, chemistry, square-cube law, etc. "Where's the farms?" is so tiring in a game about wizards throwing fireballs, clerics talking to their gods and summoning magic food & water, bards singing wounds closed, and druids turning into anything from a spider to a massive elemental. There are two answers to these kinds of questions: 1) it doesn't matter, and; 2) it's off the map. CR went with option 2.
This to me is almost as fun as the "There is no sound in space" crowd that complaigns about star wars...

On the left edge of the map it says "to the south west farmlands"

Yeah, except that the whole forest around a city that size would not be up to the walls and it would be surrounded by farm fields.

Back in the day people were not in the habit of giving themselves extra work...

My own take on "realism" in regards to fantasy settlements is that things are realistic so long as they're convenient for me as the DM.

Ultimately this is an elfgame, and honestly 99% of people are gonna look at the map and go: "Cool city map!"

The lack of historical verisimilitude will not cost Mercer any sales.

Eh, I find it hard to believe in any situation that a pre-industrial city can grow that fast in so short a time, but this is a fantasy world so I don't care too much about it.
In terms of sheer construction, if they just got Keyleth to stick around for a couple of months throwing up a few Walls of Stone every day they'd get the basic buildings up and running.

Well, there was Saerenrae, but they made a reskin of the god as Raei so...

Also the merchant district in Emon is Abadar's Promenade, though the previous Tal'Dorei book gave it a different origin than the Pathfinder god so I'm not sure if that would be an issue.

Technically, given the cartoon series, I suppose some of their content could become kind-of Amazon IP in a round-about way.
Considering the copyright clause in the WotC Wildemount book, there’s probably a similar clause with Amazon. They’re production partners, not co-owners of the IP.

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