D&D 5E Tall's PotA Campaign - IC

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Dessarin Valley
Round 3

“Damn,” Errol muttered as one of the reavers ran off to get help. He tried to get a bead on the runner, but then turned and sent two arrows at one of the reavers attacking Ilvellios, over the shoulder of Thateous.

Action: 2 Attacks on Reaver 8 (if possible on Reaver 4, but I don’t think he can get LoS on the runner)(half cover from Thateous gives +2 AC)
Longbow: 1d20+9 19
Damage: 1d8+4 8
Longbow: 1d20+9 20
Damage: 1d8+4 10
Bonus Action:
Action Surge:
Free Object Interaction:

[sblock=Errol’s Mini Stats]
Errol Character Sheet
Inspiration: Y
AC: 16
HP: 44+7 thp/44 HD: 5/5d10
Superiority Dice: (3/4/R @ d8 DC 14) (Commander’s Strike, Rally, Trip)
Arrows: 48
Arrows used: 6
Bolts: 2
Bolts Used: 0
Action Surge (1/R)*
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+5)
Inspiring Leader (1/R +7)*

[sblock=Party Loot: Claim and put on your sheet before next level up or it goes on Errol’s]
Helm of Heroism (Armour (Helm), Rare (Requires Attunement) Great spirals on the sides of this helm and the pointed nose makes it resemble a ram. Great tales of those that have worn this helm are told the length and breadth of the land, of their courage and selfless deeds that led to great victories. Once per day the wearer can cast the spell Heroism as a first level spell. This spell has a range of self and does not use your concentration. You can choose to use your INT, WIS or CHA as your casting attribute for the spell.
Potion of Healing - Ilvelios
Potion of Superior Healing - Gormak
Potion of Fire Breathing
2 Potions of Flying
20 gp



Round 4

Illvilious pummels his two attackers, holding them back on the landing. Gormok lands two telling blows with his halberd, but the reaver manages to duck the swinging shaft. Errol looses two arrows at one of Illvilious's attackers. Narriah follows with her own blasts, finishing the pirate off.

The last reaver in the bunk room screams at Gormok, "You will be washed away by the power of the wave." as she hacks at him with her sword. Gormok easily dodges the careless bows.

Illvilious' attacker fares equally well, failing to land a hit. A loud thud on the railing alerts Illvilious to the reaver downstairs throwing javelins from the table.

GM: Nariah Attack and Damage: 1d20+7 18 2d10+4 23
Reaver 1 Attack and damage on Gormok: 1d20+4 8 2d10+2 18
Reaver 6 Attack and damage on Illvilious: 1d20+4 14 2d10+2 9
Reaver 7 Attack and damage on Illvilious: 1d20+4 6 1d6+2 3

Nariah 23+6/23
Errol 36+6/36
Gormok 55+6/55
Thateus 32+6/32
Illvilious 39+6/39

Reaver 1 10/32
Reaver 2 Dead
Reaver 3 Dead
Reaver 4 1/32 - Hexed (Nariah)
Reaver 5 Dead
Reaver 6 16/32
Reaver 7 9/32
Reaver 8 0/32 dead


"But we are in a building?" Gormok is puzzled by the reavers comments there are no waves on land perhaps Gormok's last blow addled the reaver regardless Gormok attacks.
OOC: Attacks


Dessarin Valley
Round 4

“You got him, Ilvelious?” Errol asked as he moved to the rail. He looked over the edge at the reaver below and sent two arrows at him.

Move: To M7
Action: 2 Attacks on Reaver 7 (if he goes down with first arrow, second will go at Reaver 6)
Longbow: 1d20+9 26
Damage: 1d8+4 6
Longbow: 1d20+9 28
Damage: 1d8+4 11
Bonus Action:
Action Surge:
Free Object Interaction:

[sblock=Errol’s Mini Stats]
Errol Character Sheet
Inspiration: Y
AC: 16
HP: 44+7 thp/44 HD: 5/5d10
Superiority Dice: (3/4/R @ d8 DC 14) (Commander’s Strike, Rally, Trip)
Arrows: 48
Arrows used: 6
Bolts: 2
Bolts Used: 0
Action Surge (1/R)*
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+5)
Inspiring Leader (1/R +7)*

[sblock=Party Loot: Claim and put on your sheet before next level up or it goes on Errol’s]
Helm of Heroism (Armour (Helm), Rare (Requires Attunement) Great spirals on the sides of this helm and the pointed nose makes it resemble a ram. Great tales of those that have worn this helm are told the length and breadth of the land, of their courage and selfless deeds that led to great victories. Once per day the wearer can cast the spell Heroism as a first level spell. This spell has a range of self and does not use your concentration. You can choose to use your INT, WIS or CHA as your casting attribute for the spell.
Potion of Healing - Ilvelios
Potion of Superior Healing - Gormak
Potion of Fire Breathing
2 Potions of Flying
20 gp



Gormok swings his pole-arm at his attacker but barely lands a blow. Errol moves to the top pf the balcony and finished off the pirate in the great hall below.

GM: Nariah 23+6/23
Errol 36+6/36
Gormok 55+6/55
Thateus 32+6/32
Illvilious 39+6/39

Reaver 1 3/32
Reaver 2 Dead
Reaver 3 Dead
Reaver 4 1/32 - Hexed (Nariah)
Reaver 5 Dead
Reaver 6 16/32
Reaver 7 Dead
Reaver 8 0/32 dead

Looks like I forgot to add the map last time. Here is an updated one including Erol and Gormoks actions.

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Gormok glances over his shoulder to see how his companions are doing but can't see much, focusing on the task at hand, which would be crushing this reaver so he can move on
Using reckless attack for advantage.


Hopefully the roller doesn't explode

Voidrunner's Codex

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