D&D 5E Tall's PotA Campaign - IC


"Sounds like a good plan," Ilvellios agreed. Using his monk speed, he ran for the main door and started to secure it. "We want to try and out the leader if we can find them!"
OOC: Will be away, just until Sunday, so if any fights start without me just assume I'm delayed at the main door;-)

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Realising the tactical situation, you quickly barricade the main door and the side door that leads to the ramparts. Both have sturdy wooden doors and thick bars that could hold off a determined attack for hours if not days. The keep has arrow slits that offer a good view all around.

Looking into the bailey there are a half dozen or more reavers, bandits and other ne'er do wells quickly getting up from lazing around in the afternoon, reacting to the call to arms of the escaped reaver.

Checking the roof a single sentry, peering over the crenelations into the bailey, is quickly dispatched. The roof offers further vantage points to attack the bailey and outside the castle. A grizzly warning is tied to a post looking out over the land approach to Riverguard. A raven pecked corpse of a human who wronged the cult in some way, standing grim sentry.

The south room (Room B) is a squalid room that proves to be a servants quarters. Three woman cower behind the furniture, fearing the combat outside. After some coaxing, they tell how they have been pressed into service, after being kidnapped from Womford, as washerwomen, servants and worse things.

The smell of roasting meat gives away the function of the north room (Room A) before you even open the door. Inside are five cooks, three cower behind the furniture while two seem seem ready to fight, brandishing pokers and skewers. They too tell a story of kidnap and pressed service. A meal fit to feed a score of fighters is almost complete and there are stores here that could last you and the prisoners months.

Can I get an insight check.


Gormok's stomach grumbles loudly at the smell sight of food, he hasn't eaten in a few hours now. Grinning sheepishly Gormok motions for the kitchen staff to lower their pokers.
OOC: I'll let someone else helm this check as well Gormok hits things happy to help and provide adv


Dessarin Valley
Round 0

Insight: 1D20+3 = [8]+3 = 11

Errol looked over the women and the cooks. “If you are prisoners, we want to help you get home,” he told them. “And we will, once the other pirates have been dealt with. For now, you will have to bide your time in here with us.”

Errol looked over to his companions. “I’m going to head to the roof again and see who I can pick off.”

OOC: Errol will try and take out anyone who seems to be taking leadership and organizing first. Otherwise he will try and hit anyone he can see that appears to be a pirate.

Bonus Action:
Action Surge:
Free Object Interaction:

[sblock=Errol’s Mini Stats]
Errol Character Sheet
Inspiration: Y
AC: 16
HP: 44+7 thp/44 HD: 5/5d10
Superiority Dice: (3/4/R @ d8 DC 14) (Commander’s Strike, Rally, Trip)
Arrows: 51
Arrows used:
Bolts: 2
Bolts Used: 0
Action Surge (1/R)*
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+5)
Inspiring Leader (1/R +7)*

[sblock=Party Loot: Claim and put on your sheet before next level up or it goes on Errol’s]
Helm of Heroism (Armour (Helm), Rare (Requires Attunement) Great spirals on the sides of this helm and the pointed nose makes it resemble a ram. Great tales of those that have worn this helm are told the length and breadth of the land, of their courage and selfless deeds that led to great victories. Once per day the wearer can cast the spell Heroism as a first level spell. This spell has a range of self and does not use your concentration. You can choose to use your INT, WIS or CHA as your casting attribute for the spell.
Potion of Healing - Ilvelios
Potion of Superior Healing - Gormak
Potion of Fire Breathing
2 Potions of Flying
20 gp



Ilvellios speaks to the servants, reassuring them that they are in no danger, and asking if there are any pirates hiding amongst them.


Gormok pokes around the room looking for something to eat he pauses briefly and asks "I cannot fight at a distance longer than my stick, where would I be of best use?"


Three of the prisoners serve Gormok a haunch of meat, while the other two stand around shifting nervously.

From the roof top Errol can see a number of pirates heading to the walls, all looking out of the castle. With their backs exposed he is able to dispatch a few before some of them start to shoot arrows and bolts back. After only a few minutes Errol is able to clear all the pirates from the battlements, sending the survivors hiding in various buildings. Two crossbowmen man battlements in the south west gatehouse and send the occasional bolt towards Errol.

There seems to be a lot of activity coming from behind the central building, where the stairs head down to the dock but everyone is staying out of sight. Errol can also hear some shouting from the central building to the gatehouse in the south west corner. A rope is thrown across the open bailey and some supplies are dragged from the building to the gatehouse.

Illvilious talks to the servants. It is quickly apparent that there are two groups of servants; the two from the kitchen that were ready to fight and the rest. The larger group seems to defer to the two for everything, and are careful to say out of their reach. Within the group of six prisoners there seems to be a number of social bonds, the three from Womford clearly know each other and the other three, claiming to be from farms near Womford, seem comfortable with each others presence.

As the sun moves farther along the door in the south west tower gatehouse opens onto the battlements and five pirates spill out, keeping close formation with shields up. Protruding from the front of the formation is what appears to be a simple battering ram. They shuffle slowly along the wall towards the side door of the central keep the heroes are holed up in.


Dessarin Valley
Round 0

“Stay near the door in case they try an assault and break through,” Errol told Gormak before he went up to the roof. He spent the rest of the day taking shots at any pirates he could see and driving them all inside.

As the sun started to go down, the pirates made their move. Errol slipped back inside and called to the others.

“They’re coming at the side door with a battering ram!” he warned. “Five of them!”

OOC: Can Errol get somewhere he can fire at them and pick them off before they get to the door?

Bonus Action:
Action Surge:
Free Object Interaction:

[sblock=Errol’s Mini Stats]
Errol Character Sheet
Inspiration: Y
AC: 16
HP: 44+7 thp/44 HD: 5/5d10
Superiority Dice: (3/4/R @ d8 DC 14) (Commander’s Strike, Rally, Trip)
Arrows: 51
Arrows used:
Bolts: 2
Bolts Used: 0
Action Surge (1/R)*
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+5)
Inspiring Leader (1/R +7)*

[sblock=Party Loot: Claim and put on your sheet before next level up or it goes on Errol’s]
Helm of Heroism (Armour (Helm), Rare (Requires Attunement) Great spirals on the sides of this helm and the pointed nose makes it resemble a ram. Great tales of those that have worn this helm are told the length and breadth of the land, of their courage and selfless deeds that led to great victories. Once per day the wearer can cast the spell Heroism as a first level spell. This spell has a range of self and does not use your concentration. You can choose to use your INT, WIS or CHA as your casting attribute for the spell.
Potion of Healing - Ilvelios
Potion of Superior Healing - Gormak
Potion of Fire Breathing
2 Potions of Flying
20 gp



Voidrunner's Codex

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