D&D 5E Tasha's Cauldron of Everything = 2e Skills & Powers

Both of them are very flawed but in different ways. Tasha's is dreadfully uninspired. Skills and Powers was a mess.
Skills and powers did have good things.
We really liked the skill point variant, which more or less was the blueprint for 3rd edition skills.
I don't remember what else we used reguarly. We stopped using split stats soon and also we didn't use customized races or classes.

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Skills and powers did have good things.
We really liked the skill point variant, which more or less was the blueprint for 3rd edition skills.
I don't remember what else we used reguarly. We stopped using split stats soon and also we didn't use customized races or classes.

Alot of it's actually good if the DM uses it.

Customized races and classes not so great for letting players do whatever.

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