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Technological Advancement and World Peace in DnD Campaign.How would/have you done it?

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Dandu said:
Alternatively, you could kill everyone and let the gods sort them out.

I personally don't trust the gods in real life and my character reflects that.
Present records of the ones described to me show them making too many serious mistakes.

Fantasy gives both a better and worse chance to have worthy ones.

(Heh. Looky, it''s Freud!)
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I'm sorry if this offends (really, I am), but the idea that bears (lycanthropic or otherwise) are somehow inherently peaceful just makes me laugh.

John Muir, the famous naturalist, described Ursus North Americanus Horribulis (the Grizzly Bear) as "that for which all things are food, save granite."

The term "berserker" comes from the Scandinavian warrior tradition of donning a garment made of bear hide or hair, to invoke the spirit of the bear. In the language of the place and time, the garment was the "bear shirt", or "bear serken", hence the name "berserker".

So, somehow it seems that actually infusing everyone in the world with the bear spirit probably won't lead to world peace.


in real like, humans posess traits of ambition, greed and competition. In D&D, those traits exist across most of the races and creatures, many in an exaggerated form beyond real life humanity.

I do not believe any amount of education, reformation, economic surpluss, etc, is going to change basic nature.

Peace wouldn't be possible regardless of changes. What do you think this is, a Fantasy game or something?


First Post
You people act like advocating education is altruism or something. It's greed pure and simple. An educated civilization possesses the ability to advance itself by exploiting the world around it, you don't instate a reincarnation based public healthcare system because you give a damn about joe schmoe, you do it to give joe a reason to go and and become a more valuable peon so he can be reincarnated without con loss. Thus joe has struck a bargain with you, you keep reincarnating him, he keeps working and learning for you so you can afford to reincarnate him.

In DnD terms education equals skill point allocation and level, if bob levels he can earn more money, if he can earn more money he can give more money to you for taxes that pay for his reincarnations, and the extra goes into your nice teleport warded summer home.

Once reincarnated Bob is now lower level but probably set aside some stuff to make the second go around easier so he can make even more money before it comes time to reincarnate again.

Thus you get more tax money.

A little greed mixed with a dose of intellect goes a long way.


Setting aside the world peace concept, and the education debate, I would like to actually address the technology aspect of the OP using D&D options.

First off, lets ignore limit-per-day options like Sending and Teleport spells. These would aid communication and travel, but the daily limits would supply the masses.

And so, I would first look to Stronghold Builders Guide, Wondrous Architecture (an alternative application of the Craft Wondrous Items feat), as @kitcik has already mentioned one. To make any of these requires money, time and the appropriate spells and so would be difficult for one individual to produce, but a guild who specialized in crafting and selling these designs would likely end up both wealthy and powerful.
Some useful options include:

-Bed of Regeneration: lying on the bed Regenerates missing limbs and heals HP. With the severed limbs in place, they reattach in 4 rounds. If growing new ones, they regrow in 2d10+3 rounds, or a max of 2 and a half minutes.

-Bed of Wellness: Comes in 3 versions. Cast's Remove Blindness/Deafness, or Remove Curse or Remove Disease if you lay on it for 18 seconds.

-Bier of Life: Stone platform casts Raise Dead on an up to 9 day old corpse if you also place a diamond worth 500gp.

-Bier of Resurrection: As Bier of Life, only 90 day of Corpse and the stone slab casts a Resurrection spell.

-Cabinet of Stasis: Any creature put inside is in a suspended animation as the Temporal Stasis spell, creature experiences only 1 day of aging for every decade that passes. Creature can only be removed by someone else, cannot wake self. Perhaps Craft a Contingency Dimensional Step or something to remove a contained creature after a predetermined trigger.

-Chamber of Comfort: tempurature is always a comfy 70 degrees, Fresh air is magically circulated, any fires lit dissipates smoke into the ceiling.

-Chamber of Speed: continuous Haste effect on anyone within room. Activities take half the time to do.

-Everful Basin: Always has 6 gallons of water.

-Everful Larder: Every time it's opened, produces enough food for 5 people. Close and reopen and get more. (rename Everful Fridge!)

-Hall of Speech: Understand all languages spoken within the room.

-Invisible Helper: Permanent Unseen Servant within a room.

-Cloudgathering Orb, Hurricane's Eye, Orb of Pleasant Breezes: Three different Wondrous Architecture. Produces either nasty precipitation appropriate for the season, hurricane force winds, or pleasant and mild weather within a 2 mile radius.

-Platform of Greater Jaunting: a Limitless range Dimensional Door spell, allowing to to teleport anywhere on the same plane, requiring only a reliable description of the destination to arrive successfully. (one could imagine the usefulness of a series of these!)

-Platform of Heal: stepping upon the 10' diameter square casts Heal. multiple stepping results in endless casting of the spell.

-Platform of Levitation: ability to Levitate up or down at a speed of 20', serves as a magical elevator.

-Pool of Greater Scrying: Limitless Scrying spell, plus ability to cast spells upon the scryed subject.

-Stable of Understanding: A continuous Speak With Animals effect within the room.

-Table of Feasting: a table that produces a Heroes Feast three times a day for up to 12 people.

-Tree of Greater Jaunting: Permanent Tree Stride at any range on the same plane. (A more classy Platform of Greater Jaunting)

And that's just from one book! Some other technological marvels might include:

-Glowing Orb spell from Spell Compendium produces an at-will controlled permanent glass light bulb.

-Ring Gates from DMG have a 100 mile range and while they have a limit to the amount of objects passed through in a day, speaking through, flashing lights, morse code-like sounds… any method of passing information could be done endlessly across great distances. I can imagine rooms of Gnome operators communicating telegraph-style messages in information network relay stations.

…I’ll add to this list as I think of more.


How is the worth of the diamond to be determined?
By going to the store and saying "I'd like a diamond for 500 gold please"
Or, killing a monster, and the DM says "You find a diamond among the loot"
and you say, "Yay, how much is it worth?"
and then he tells you. Or makes you do an Appraise check.
Or, by putting a diamond down on top of the stone table along with the corpse and nothing happens. And then you think "Obviously I need a bigger diamond."

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