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Testament: In the Shadow of Sinai. (full)


A suffusion of yellow
I haven't got the book but if there is space would be willing to play. To make it easy perhaps ease in as a fighter.

Tsedeq is a Danite who sees himself as a Warrior for his people which leads to his flaw- a mix of fanaticism and warmongering. Is that possible and if I were aiming for a PrC would Champion of Israel be an option?
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Yangnome - Yes - Still Running :) THings have been a bit hectic here too - Sorry.

Tonguez, love to have you, and your concept is fine, including aiming for Champion of Israel. Would you start as a fighter, paladin, or something else?

We have Andrew's character posted; as soon as the others are set, we can begin. :)

Those of you without the book, let me knoe if you need any help/guidance. As far as equipment goes, this is the late Bronze Age, so a lot of stuff on the PHB equipment list is unavilable/unnecessary (Thieves' tools, etc.). We are also using the barter system, as there is no set currency where the pcs are at present. Equip your characters within reasononably, adding a few pieces of jewelry to denote social status or wealth, if that's in line with your character.


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I am considering playing either a paladin or a rogue. I just got off work and need some sleep so that I can think it over some more. I am interested in hearing what options Testament offers for Paladins. If I play a rogue, I was thinking of running some vigilante type rogue who is out to right wrongs (not a thief). I'm thinking something ala Boondock Saints type personality for the character. If neither of these things work for your game, let me know and I'll be happy to adjust my ideas. I know you are looking at having us run spy missions and such.


First Post
yangnome said:
I am considering playing either a paladin or a rogue. I just got off work and need some sleep so that I can think it over some more. I am interested in hearing what options Testament offers for Paladins. If I play a rogue, I was thinking of running some vigilante type rogue who is out to right wrongs (not a thief). I'm thinking something ala Boondock Saints type personality for the character. If neither of these things work for your game, let me know and I'll be happy to adjust my ideas. I know you are looking at having us run spy missions and such.
For a Paladin, since we won't be using alignment, there will be a pretty well defined code of conduct based on avoiding sin and maintaining a high piety. There may be some other revisions based on people's responses to the following questions:

Do you guys want a epic-style campaign or a grittier one? Some combination of the two? Any thoughts on the subject?


A suffusion of yellow
You know I've just realised that since 3e came out I've never played as a 'fighter' so thats what I going to start with for Tsedeq - so what are the prereqs for Champion of Israel? - so I can start working on those now

As to game style is gritty Epic an option? ie give me columns of fire and angels with flaming swords as well as the hard sweat and blood of wrestling with lions and trampling on scorpions! For the Lord is my Strength! BWAHAHAHAHA!


A suffusion of yellow
Tsedeq son of Pali of the Tribe of Dan
Israelite Fighter 4

STR 17 (+3) CON 16 (+3) DEX 14 (+2) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 10 (0)

Hit Points: 47 Initiative: +6 (+4 Improved Initiative, +2 Dex)
AC: 15 (+2dex +3 Studded Leather), flat-footed 13, touch 12
Attacks:Bab +4 Melee +8* Greatclub 1d10+6** Ranged +6 Spear 1d8+3
Fort Save: +7 Ref Save: +3 Will Save: +2
Flaw:Fanaticism, Warmongering

Languages: Hebrew,
Skills (14): Intimidate 4 (4+0), Spot 2 (2+1) Survival 3 (4+1). Knowledge (religion) 2 (4+0) No Ranks: Climb 3 (3), Craft 0 (0), Handle Animal 0 (0), Jump 3(3), Ride 2 (2), and Swim 3 (3), Perform 0 Diplomacy 0

Feats: Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (GreatClub*), Weapon Specilisation (GreatClub**), Cleave, Combat Reflexes (+2)

Equipment: Great Club (1d10/x2), Spear (1d8/x2,20ft), Studded Leather Armour, leather straps bound around his forearms & wrist, and a blonze circlet around his head to keep the hair from his eyes.

24 years old, 6'6", 197 lbs.

Standing 6'6" tall Tsedeq is a gigantic figure even amongst the other Danites and as he was growing up it was only natural that comparisons were drawn between himself and that greatest of Danite Judges. Tsedeq (whose name means righteous) has been inspired by the comparison and the legend and has formed an image of himself as a Warrior for his people, taking his righteous fury against all thos who oppose Yaweh Elohim Israel. Sometimes however his drive is fanatical and his fury at perceived enemies insatiable.
Tsedeq wears his hair long and in the manner of his ancestor it has never been cut. Tsedeqs mother Pali still lives but his father was killed years earlier during what was Tsedeqs first battle.
Unusually Tsedeq himself has not yet found a wife, the girl he had courted during his younger years was given by her father to another man. Since then Tsedeq has devoted himself to his self appointed role as Defender of the people. Lately however his interests have been piqued by the widow Asenath (;))

Edit: Okay I wont be taking the Nazarite vow for now - maybe later:D.
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I'd like to be involved in this one, as I mentioned in the other thread. Is there room for another player? I don't have Testament at this stage, but I will pick it up if necessary,


First Post
Cannibal kender, just the stuff posted in this thread - otherwise things are as normal. (Unless I implement a WP/VP system, as I'm currently considering. Thoughts anyone?)

Humble minion, you are in (and there is still one spot open after you as well - but we'll start with four if all the characters are posted before we get another player.).

Tonguez - [edit] see below for Nazirite info

Prereqs for the Champion of Israel:
Piety >0
BAB +8
Diplomacy 4
Knowledge (religion) 6
Perform 3
Feats: Endurance, Power Attack, Cleave
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