Tony Vargas
A lot of wargames back then used 15mm, as did Traveler (IIRC, though I never laid eyes on a Traveler mini). But for 1e AD&D, when I got serious enough to start buying & painting minis (badly!) it was already officially 25mm. But what that meant never seemed consistent - I remember getting a druid figure back in the day, don't remember who made it (Grenadier, maybe?), but it was like 7' tall next to the better-sculped Ral Partha's the DM had.I don't think so. I mean my old lead cast minis from OD&D certainly were not 25mm scale. When we switched to 25mm (3E) those figures were noticeable larger. But I suspect someone around here will know for certain what the old scale was.
I still have some old minis, and, yes, they're noticeably smaller than the current plastic ones, but not, like 15mm vs 25mm smaller.