D&D General The Appearance of Female Goblins


You can always go the CRPG route

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I know I will get negative feedback on this one, but over the time I met way more female players descriping their fighters/monks/barbarians/etc. as River Tam vs. as Mother Russia.

I had one woman as a player whose character was an orc barbarian who very much fit the Mother Russia mold named Fifi. Now Fifi was a girlie girl who loved pretty jewelry, makeup, and dresses, but she had a 20 strength and the ability to rage 3 times per day. I have noticed that a lot of women rarely play ugly characters. But then most guys don't explicitly tell me their character is ugly either.

I was amused at the character options for Knight of the old Republic MMORPG. The fat male character model was shaped like a potato while the female fat model had all these kickin' curves and looked fabulous. My character's name was Darth Blimpy.

I had one woman as a player whose character was an orc barbarian who very much fit the Mother Russia mold named Fifi. Now Fifi was a girlie girl who loved pretty jewelry, makeup, and dresses, but she had a 20 strength and the ability to rage 3 times per day. I have noticed that a lot of women rarely play ugly characters. But then most guys don't explicitly tell me their character is ugly either.

I was amused at the character options for Knight of the old Republic MMORPG. The fat male character model was shaped like a potato while the female fat model had all these kickin' curves and looked fabulous. My character's name was Darth Blimpy.

Oh, I don't doubt that few male players play ugly characters as well, and if they do, its ugly in a "badass" way. Again. Wish fulfilment.


A suffusion of yellow
Oh, I don't doubt that few male players play ugly characters as well, and if they do, its ugly in a "badass" way. Again. Wish fulfilment.

my pc Orbril the gnome is described as old, unattractive with a pot belly, a hairy back and scar over his left eye (rat bite).
In one adventure in the fae realm, I called him out as an old caliban who came to the fae realm just so he could perve on the pixies and other pretty fae :)

I actually think the increase in sexy female characters has been accelerated by the increase of female players. D&D is in many senses a game of wish fulfillment.

And I think it has more to do with male game desigers designing the females they would prefer to look at.

In our mixed gender D&D group I have noticed no difference between male and female players and stated attractiveness of the characters (which is usually not mentioned at all). The only time I recall physical attractiveness being referred to was one my characters (male character, male player) who was extremely vain about their long flowing hair (in contrast to my balding self) and a bugbear (male player, male character) who made a point of always being neatly groomed.


Short furless yellowish semicat-people, just like the male ones. I would ponder over whether they should have 6 breasts-- but the Dragonborn, and Tabaxi, have gone to show that the number of boobs a race has is 2 regardless of one many nipples the appropriate creature should have or if they should even have any at all.

Voidrunner's Codex

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