D&D General The Appearance of Female Goblins

Short furless yellowish semicat-people, just like the male ones. I would ponder over whether they should have 6 breasts-- but the Dragonborn, and Tabaxi, have gone to show that the number of boobs a race has is 2 regardless of one many nipples the appropriate creature should have or if they should even have any at all.
Female Gnolls have been shown with 4 breasts, but they've of course have never shown if they have genitalia similar to Female Hyenas.

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I know I will get negative feedback on this one, but over the time I met way more female players descriping their fighters/monks/barbarians/etc. as River Tam vs. as Mother Russia.

I've seen a lot of Rivers, sure, but I've seen just as many, if not more, Cara Dunes,

or She-Ra




They look exactly like male goblins, but wear pretty pink dresses.
This may have been meant as a joke but this is more or less how I run it. My goblinoids live in a sort of mockery of human society, so a goblin woman would wear a tattered dress, a dirty bonnet, and a handbag containing a pet lizard named Miss Fluffikins. The horrible stereotype is the point.


In our mixed gender D&D group I have noticed no difference between male and female players and stated attractiveness of the characters (which is usually not mentioned at all).

In my mixed gender groups I've noticed only a slight difference. In my second Curse of Strahd campaign, one of the woman playing had a female dwarf, who the young people now might describe as "thicc," and made it a point of telling me she had her chest on display like you see at the Renaissance Fairs. This was a dwarf fighter so that was a lot of fun. I ended up providing her with this miniature to use (not my paint job) which she thought perfectly encapsulated her character. Strahd ended up taking quite a shine to her.

Reaper Dwarf.JPG


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Short furless yellowish semicat-people, just like the male ones. I would ponder over whether they should have 6 breasts-- but the Dragonborn, and Tabaxi, have gone to show that the number of boobs a race has is 2 regardless of one many nipples the appropriate creature should have or if they should even have any at all.
The number of nipples a mammal should have is twice the average litter size. So, unless your Tabaxi regularly give birth to sextouplets, two breasts is probably appropriate. The number of nipples a non-mammal should have is zero.

Voidrunner's Codex

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