D&D General The Appearance of Female Goblins

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One thing I dread mentioning is time period.

Recently a lot of things have changed: changes of female beauty standards, raio of female gamers in all media, ratio of female gamers in tabletop, increased variability of enemies, increased awareness of inclusion, the increased diversity appeal, and increase visibiity of fetishes.

And well my experience with newer "unofficial" imagery of female goblins is...

they thicker than cold grits


A suffusion of yellow
Short furless yellowish semicat-people, just like the male ones. I would ponder over whether they should have 6 breasts-- but the Dragonborn, and Tabaxi, have gone to show that the number of boobs a race has is 2 regardless of one many nipples the appropriate creature should have or if they should even have any at all.

is this yours? Its titles Female Goblin


Probably two, since both horses and humans have an average litter size of 1. Of course, I can’t imagine any nursing situation for centaurs that isn’t a logistical nightmare 🤣

But the horse part also has teats, right? What I'm really thinking is that it's odd to attempt to apply real biology to mythical creatures. Depending on the myth, centaurs were either created by a nymph and a king having sex or the result of a dude having sex with a mare neither of which are biologically sound. So I sometimes don't get when people bring up real biology when it comes to drow, dragonkin, etc., etc.


How many nipples does a centaur have?
Probably two, since both horses and humans have an average litter size of 1. Of course, I can’t imagine any nursing situation for centaurs that isn’t a logistical nightmare 🤣
I was always baffled by the centaurettes from Disney's Fantasia because they clearly had breasts but no nipples! Until I realized, the nipples are on the horse part.

Voidrunner's Codex

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