If by that you mean by using weapon mastery, they'd have to juggle weapons to do so (which feels silly to me, but that's a whole other conversation), and at some point they may have the wrong weapon out to do what they'd like to do at the most opportune moment. (Oh, and the Rogue gets to do one of those with weapon mastery as well as their SA swap, so they're kinda 2/3 as capable as a fighter there too.)Rogues don't have multiple attacks.
A fighter 11 can prone + push + cleave, for instance. Not including battlemaster.
A level 11 BM using their superiority dice on 3 attacks in a round gets 1.6 rounds of being superior before going back to the more mundane.
Personally, I would have preferred a much more robust maneuver system for all Fighters that gives them the ability to do nifty things that are tied to them instead of their weapons, something that Rogues now have a version of. Alas, it is not to be.