D&D (2024) The Battle Master Paradigm

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What about updating 3e's Tome of Battle maneuvers and Combat Traditions to One D&D? You could have it where at 3rd level the Battle master gains proficiency in 1 to 2 Combat Traditions, and maybe learn gain a third proficiency at a higher level. They then select the maneuvers they like as they advance in this subclass.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
What about updating 3e's Tome of Battle maneuvers and Combat Traditions to One D&D? You could have it where at 3rd level the Battle master gains proficiency in 1 to 2 Combat Traditions, and maybe learn gain a third proficiency at a higher level. They then select the maneuvers they like as they advance in this subclass.
I'd love this personally, but there was a lot of people who had various axes to grind about TBo9S, ranging from "it makes the Fighter obsolete to "everyone is too magical" to "it's too anime" (whatever that even means).

5e seems a bit too conservative to let Battlemasters use Elder Mountain Hammer or White Raven Tactics.

I'd love this personally, but there was a lot of people who had various axes to grind about TBo9S, ranging from "it makes the Fighter obsolete to "everyone is too magical" to "it's too anime" (whatever that even means).

5e seems a bit too conservative to let Battlemasters use Elder Mountain Hammer or White Raven Tactics.
WoTC could always invent new Combat Traditions for the One D&D Battle Master. Maybe they could base these Combat Traditions around the Fighting Styles from 5e or the new Weapon Masteries in One D&D? Each Fighting style shouldn't use the same set of maneuvers. Also, the Fighting styles ought to do more as you advance as a Fighter.


I'd love this personally, but there was a lot of people who had various axes to grind about TBo9S, ranging from "it makes the Fighter obsolete to "everyone is too magical" to "it's too anime" (whatever that even means).

5e seems a bit too conservative to let Battlemasters use Elder Mountain Hammer or White Raven Tactics.
I bet they could downgrade the more powerful ones as second tier manoeuvres more in keeping with 5e.

However you rank them, you're taking your best options at level 3, and they're not exactly overpowered for that level, and then worse options at higher level.

That's like a wizard who can only ever know 1st level spells, but, hey, you can upcast them!
So you mean, the battlemaster is totally frontloaded?

Tony Vargas

So you mean, the battlemaster is totally frontloaded?
Nah, the best 3 maneuvers from that list are just fine at 3rd level, it's I guess, 🤔 "backlightenned?" :oops:

It's not that it gets too much at third and that should be spread out over the remaining 17 levels, it's that it needs to get a lot more after 3rd, particularly, much better maneuvers to choose from as it heads into each new Tier....

Voidrunner's Codex

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