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The Beginner Box


That remains to be seen. While the BECM boxes brought me to the hobby, the last 3x and 4 incarnations of the worlds most "beloved (and hated)" D&D game have done the opposite to me. They brought me to abandon D&D as a game system and to play Savage Worlds or RuneQuest.

...... snipped ......

Is the new box this simplified full game version (I hope) or just one more unnecessary teaser to lure people into the normal PF game? (I hope not!) We will see it in some months.

Several good points. With only preview release information about the product in hand and not actual product at this point I can't say much else. Definitely a remains to be seen situation until it is actually released and we all see just what is in this box and how the rules are slimmed/simplified down to a much smaller rulebook.

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BTW I've just ordered "Crypt of the Everflame"; I have the flipmat for it and it seems like it might be a good intro adventure for new players that I can run with the Beginner box.

I am hoping products already out like "Crypt of the Everflame" make great companions to the Beginner Box when it comes out. Should be a fun run!

For those of you who prefer a rules light game, I'm sure Savage Worlds/Mircolite D20/Dragon Age/Castles and Crusades/the Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG (not out yet) would welcome your business and such!

As for the Pathfinder Beginner Box, I'll wait until it's out to past judgement.
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Why in the world would Paizo want to fool anyone? Because that is what a "simplified" rule system is -- it's a feint, a disingenuous promise about what they are trying to sell you. It doesn't make any sense.

Some folks seem to be looking for a "rules-lite Pathfinder" -- which sounds intriguing but not something that makes any sense in the context of an introductory product. And, quite frankly, there are more rules-light versions of D&D, from indie games to retroclones, running around that it doesn't make sense from a market perspective either.

Rather, what Pathfinder needs to survive and thrive is new players, and new players need an inexpensive (either for themselves or for the older friends and relatives that purchase it for them) point of entry that also shows them the full potential of the game. A 5 level Pathfinder Basic is exactly that -- long enough for them to get hooked, without having them moving on to the main game and feeling cheated because it isn't what they were playing before.

If what you really want is Pathfinder Light, there are dozens of small press companies that, thanks to the OGL, could produce that for you. Maybe someone should actually ask them to.


First Post
BTW I've just ordered "Crypt of the Everflame"; I have the flipmat for it and it seems like it might be a good intro adventure for new players that I can run with the Beginner box.

I´m running Crypt of the Everflame and I´ve one advice - having a cleric will help immensely.
I´m actually running the pregenerated characters (with small tweaks), and it works very well.

If you have any questions about the module, just ask.

Why in the world would Paizo want to fool anyone? Because that is what a "simplified" rule system is -- it's a feint, a disingenuous promise about what they are trying to sell you. It doesn't make any sense.
Disingenuous? A feint? I think this is judging their motives unfairly. Instead, I think they are trying to kill several dragons with the one box:
- They want a cheap product that a new group could buy and use to get into table top gaming.
- They want to be and be obviously seen supporting their community with a product that shows off at a beginner's level what Pathfinder has to offer.
- They want a version of Pathfinder out there that is simple and easy to play and GM (something that Pathfinder cannot claim at higher levels of play).
- A complete product that seems very much in the vein of E6. Everything's in the official box, ready to go.
- A product that their previous line of products can support (re: low level modules, pathfinder society modules and other pathfinder products).
- A product that provides a seamless transition to Pathfinder for those enthused and who wish to take that step.
- A product that will hopefully get new blood into a hobby that needs it.

So yeah, to label such a project with such obvious and multiple aims as disingenuous is unfair in my opinion.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise


Herremann the Wise said:
Disingenuous? A feint? I think this is judging their motives unfairly. Instead, I think they are trying to kill several dragons with the one box:
- They want a cheap product that a new group could buy and use to get into table top gaming.
- They want to be and be obviously seen supporting their community with a product that shows off at a beginner's level what Pathfinder has to offer.
- They want a version of Pathfinder out there that is simple and easy to play and GM (something that Pathfinder cannot claim at higher levels of play).
- A complete product that seems very much in the vein of E6. Everything's in the official box, ready to go.
- A product that their previous line of products can support (re: low level modules, pathfinder society modules and other pathfinder products).
- A product that provides a seamless transition to Pathfinder for those enthused and who wish to take that step.
- A product that will hopefully get new blood into a hobby that needs it.

So yeah, to label such a project with such obvious and multiple aims as disingenuous is unfair in my opinion.

Best Regards
Herremann the Wise

I think you misunderstood me. I was saying that for them to put out a simplified version of PF, rather than the merely limited version they are producing, would be a bad idea and akin to a trick on the purchasers.

I have been an advocate of a PF Basic since long before they announced it and think the product they have come up with is a perfect gateway for a new generation of gamers.


Some folks seem to be looking for a "rules-lite Pathfinder" -- which sounds intriguing but not something that makes any sense in the context of an introductory product.

It doesn't even make logical sense, unless "Pathfinder" means "All rules-sets which could vaguely considered to be useful for gaming in Golarion."

To be a rules-lite Pathfinder, something would have to both be lite, and be Pathfinder enough to contrast to other games that are not Pathfinder, such as D&D. I won't say it's impossible, but if it is possible, it's not worthwhile.


First Post
I think you misunderstood me. I was saying that for them to put out a simplified version of PF, rather than the merely limited version they are producing, would be a bad idea and akin to a trick on the purchasers.

I have been an advocate of a PF Basic since long before they announced it and think the product they have come up with is a perfect gateway for a new generation of gamers.
I agree.

The only thing preventing me from getting this for a bunch of younger players that I know is the fact that several of them already own the Core rulebook. (I have been running a game for them for two years now, most of their parents are in one or another of my grown up games....(Grown up because 'Adult' can be misconstrued.)) Even so, it might be a good worm to use to hook a new GM. :)

The Auld Grump

Voidrunner's Codex

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