D&D 5E The D&D rapier: What is it?


It is an out-of-place technology in a world where people still use plate armour and shields.

But seriously, weapons in D&D aren't actually specific weapons — they are just sticks with numbers on the end. A rapier is "martial, one-handed, 1d8 piercing, finesse". You can call them whatever you want, since the names don't mean much (and are often misleading, like "scimitar" for "machete").


my only beef is that arming sword(longsword in D&D terms) has the same damage.

if rapier is 1d8, then longsword should be 1d10. As you must pay with something ability to use dex in melee combat. And no, "versatile" trait is not worth equal to "finesse" trait.

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if rapier is 1d8, then longsword should be 1d10. As you must pay with something ability to use dex in melee combat. And no, "versatile" trait is not worth equal to "finesse" trait.
If your Str is higher than your Dex, versatile is worth something and finesse is worth nothing.


If your Str is higher than your Dex, versatile is worth something and finesse is worth nothing.

it's next to worthless. Except for a halforc barbarian too broke for greataxe/greatsword.

If you have dueling style you go from 1d8+2 to 1d10 damage. You do LESS damage with longsword in two hands.



Your fourth Picture and eventually the third are the right ones. This is a rapier, it weighs as much as a arming sword (1,2-1,5kg) but is longer.

It is mainly a stabbing weapon, mostly worn in a civilian context or as a backup weapon in a war situation.

A rapier can cut, but not for decapacitating effect or chopping of limbs or head in a combat, that just will not work.

You can easyly parry weapons like great swords or halberds with this it will not break it.

Fencing with this best requires a main gauche, cloak buckler or a good glove for parrying purposes. (If both oponents use that weapon)

The D&D rapier is a fiction of convenience, designed to allow players to generate characters inspired by those seen in some media.

Like Hand Crossbows and Bows, it can be best not to examine them too closely in the light of real world history and mechanics.


The solution for those who do want to have weapons for all builds is dam easy:

Short sword 1h 1d6 Finesse Piercing
Rapier 1h 1d8 Finesse Piercing
Arming sword 1h 1d8 slashing
Bastard sword 1h / versatile 1d8/1d10 slashing (Ths is a Hand and half !)
Longsword aka Greatsword 2h 2d6 slashing

There! You got it all covered and in contraire to the PHB are absolutely historically correct with naming.

I do it like this in my campaigns. No confusion anymore.

For more modern Settings take

Smallsword 1d6 piercing Finesse
Sabre 1d8 slashing Finesse (since it is a fencing weapon Finesse is well justified)


[MENTION=6801299]Horwath[/MENTION] Dueling style should only be allowed with fencing weapons like a rapier smallsword or sabre, imho it requires a much more sophisticated technique of fencing than an arming sword.

But that aside, your Long sword imho is a bastard sword or Hand and half.
It has the same weight and less bladelength than a rapier -

But a thrust wound that does any noticable damage is most often a more severe injury than a small cut because it is a deeper wound, so the 1d8+2 vs 1d10 for a range of 3-10 instead of 1d10 is even realistic


The solution for those who do want to have weapons for all builds is dam easy:

Short sword 1h 1d6 Finesse Piercing
Rapier 1h 1d8 Finesse Piercing
Arming sword 1h 1d8 slashing
Bastard sword 1h / versatile 1d8/1d10 slashing (Ths is a Hand and half !)
Longsword aka Greatsword 2h 2d6 slashing

There! You got it all covered and in contraire to the PHB are absolutely historically correct with naming.

I do it like this in my campaigns. No confusion anymore.

For more modern Settings take

Smallsword 1d6 piercing Finesse
Sabre 1d8 slashing Finesse (since it is a fencing weapon Finesse is well justified)

But why would anyone use arming sword over sabre in this idea? Arming sword gives nothing, yet with Sabre both str and dex fighters can use it at it's best.

Dex is a better stat than str. Hence str needs a boost in combat. That is more damage from weapons that are not finesse.

how about;

Sword(arming), 1handed, 1d10 Slashing, 1d12 versatile,
Rapier, 1handed, finesse, 1d8 Piercing
Sabre, 1handed, finesse, 1d8 Piercing
Sword(short), 1handed, light, 1d8 piercing,
Scimitar, 1handed, light, finesse, 1d6 slashing,
Smallsword, 1handed, light finesse, 1d6 piercing,

Longsword, 2handed, 2d6 slashing,
Greatsword, 2handed, heavy, 2d8 slashing,
Elven courtblade, 2handed, finesse, 1d12 slashing

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