D&D 5E The Dwimmermount [OOC]

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It was a random arena encounter. The spirited charging mounted fighter decides to use his mounted speed to go to the other side of the arena to see our enemy. That 'thing' on the rock was waiting. Dm says, "Make a will save... Ok give me your character sheet." Next thing we know the fighter comes barreling back around this rock formation in the middle of the arena lance at the ready. We were all confused. Next thing we knew BAM spirited charge critical hit with the lance. I was skewered. Killed outright in one hit. If memory serves, we were around level 6~8 and it was way too early in my D&D career to even understand the concept of min/max. I was scarred. That was one of my first characters and to have it killed in one hit, and by an ally no less. From then on I played nothing by ranged characters with HP. Rangers, Fighters, etc.


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It doesn't matter this time since the map's already made and the fight started, but for future reference: Shara woukd not take up the rear in situations like this. Dead center would be my preference, so any other party member can be reached for a touch spell, particularly the tank.


First Post
Because the enw roller sucks. I know you can do more rolls if you don't give them names in the tags. But even then it tops out at like six.


First Post
I think it might be EN Roller, which only allows 3-4 rolls max at a time.

As for the story, one of the best ones I ever had as a GM where I actually scared the players was in an Earthdawn game. The heroes were sneaking into a keir that had been destroyed during the long wait. They were sneaking through a guard post area and these crazy undead came out and attack them. Their attack (I cannot remember what it was called) caused painful bone spurs to grow instantly that would burst out of your skin if you failed the save equivalent. One of the players died instantly and said to me later "Holy s:) those things freaked me out so much I totally forgot my character just died"


Ok, thanks for the answers guys. Thought I was doing something wrong. I prefer orokos, but the system i'm working on has it blocked, so i relied on the roller. I too can not access google drive from work as well. Deployments blow. I plan on just converting the character to text instead of a link.

As for as the OA, I had to double check a couple things on the character to make sure it was okay. For instance, can i do the GWM re-roll more than once in a round... yes, just not more than once on the same attack roll. So i could re-roll for the OA, first attack, and butt stroke if i roll a 1 or 2.

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