The Fey, the Far, and the Ugly Space In Between


Rawr sniffs the air, the scent of the hunting pack thick in the air. He rears and growls with ursine fury! The massive grizzly then charges the source of the trill and the scent like a runaway horse-drawn wagon!

The dire wolf, a bit unsure of things at this point, lopes behind him.

So Rawr charged and trampled the first pack of raptors while the wolf just tried to keep pace behind him.

Rawr is engaged with the frontal assault portion of the pack of raptors. The pack is now leaderless and their numbers are down to four, two of which are terribly injured.

The dire wolf is flanked by the other two that were circling. I'm assuming that he wouldn't be too far from Rawr? Maybe Reach range at most? That would put the uninjured, flanking raptors easily within Near range of Rawr.

I'm wanting to use Rawr's Threaten, Intimidate move on the raptors. Seems like that would be feasible.

Per Manbearcat
Your depiction above is how things would stand, so certainly feasible. Lets go with this:

[sblock]When Rawr roars in bestial fury to drive his enemies before him, roll +Qua. 10+ and they scatter or pause, depending on their threat level to him. On a 7-9, a few scatter or pause, the others attack Rawr dealing their damage -1d6.[/sblock]

Sounds good!

[sblock]Rawr...ROAR! (Qua)
2, 4 + 2 = 8

A few scatter or pause, the others attack Rawr dealing their damage -1d6.

b[d8 +2]. 6, 6 + 2 = 8 - 1D6 (2) = 6/2 (Leonel's Aegis) = 3 - 1 (armor) = 2 damage to Rawr.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The hulking bear rears and unleashes a deafening roar. Their nerves undone and their bodies marred by horrific injury, two of them turn tail and sprint away. They quickly melt into the long grass.

The two menacing the dire wolf are not so easily cowed. They spring over the dire wolf, nasty curved claws on the rear of their legs leading. Leonel's magical warding and the bear's thick hide deflects the worst of it.

With Rawr engaged with the two remaining raptors, I unleash a...hopefully decisive...hail of arrows!

[sblock]Volley (Dex)
5, 6 +3 (take +1 for Rawr) = 14

Blot Out the Sun. Spending 1 Ammo to damage both raptors.

The better of my d8 or Rawr's d8 +1. 6 or 8+1. 9 - 1 = 8 on both raptors. Both dead.[/sblock]

The battlefield falls quiet. I frown in the direction of the cowardly, indecisive dire wolf. I'm thinking he won't last very long.

Leonel and I trot back to meet Sadia and Otthor. As we do I say to the young eladrin, "you did well."

When we arrive, I simply say "everyone ok? We need to get to the tower quickly. There are many predators out here that will have the advantage on us at full-dark."

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The battlefield falls quiet. I frown in the direction of the cowardly, indecisive dire wolf. I'm thinking he won't last very long.

Leonel and I trot back to meet Sadia and Otthor. As we do I say to the young eladrin, "you did well."

When we arrive, I simply say "everyone ok? We need to get to the tower quickly. There are many predators out here that will have the advantage on us at full-dark."

I notice Leonel subtly beaming as he and Saerie come back to greet us. They exchanged words so I suspect she paid him a complement. I can't stifle my smile.

I turn to look down at Sadia when Saerie asks us if we're ok. She looks up at me, returns my smile and nods demonstrably. I look back at Saerie. "I guess we're ok."

I notice she is a bit distracted, staring out disapprovingly toward the dire wolf that is partially obscured in the red meadow. I stare in kind.

"Yeah...he's no Exel or Xanob." I quickly say a short elven prayer honoring our fallen comrades. I kneel down and pet Lucky's scruff as I smile at the noble spirit companion. "And certainly no Lucky."

I stand up. "If worse comes to worst, Rawr can make a meal of him." A chuckle from my ward and a disgusted look from Sadia. Extending my hand out before me to Saerie, "lead the way to the tower, my friend."

Tired legs end their march at the top of a rise not dissimilar to World's End Bluff back in the mortal world.

Materializing in the deepest of gloom, the moon reveals the partially ruined tower. It stretches skyward before you like a finger, its skeletal innards laid bare. Gorgeous carved runes in white marble give way to weathered, dirty surfaces. A grand staircase lies cracked and pocked. More a charnel than an entrance, the aged and new bones of dozens of humanoids lay strewn about, their sidearms still within reach.

A cold wind cascades from the structure, off the stone stair, and across your waiting faces.

"Have you come to relieve me of my watch..."


I look straight ahead up the broken stone stair to the ruined tower from where the voice originated.

I'm quickly trying to recall the military order that manned this tower.

[sblock]Spout Lore (Int)
6, 3 +3 (take +1 military) = 13

The GM will tell you something interesting and useful about the subject relevant to your situation.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
Mithrendain has a legacy of stewardship against an uprising from the Feydark. The eladrin city was built upon a series of breaches to the underworld and almost lost to its wicked denizens. Consequently, an order of guardians was constructed to protect the city and its outlying areas from such incursions.

Breach Wardens. These knights would forsake all standing, all record of their deeds, all hope for offspring. Until they ultimately died with their boots on to one horror from beneath or another, they would man the tower they were assigned to. Each tower built upon a massive, endlessly deep hole into the bowels of the Feydark.

It has been an age since the foul twisted creatures of the Feydark belched forth from the deep dark in attempt to take Mithrendain. The Breach Wardens have been forgotten. But those few who didn't die from the fangs and claws of one vile creature or another would have spent centuries idly manning their post, fending off mundane treasure-hunters...or spitefully brooding in anonymity while an ungrateful, lecherous nobility collects the spoils of their uncelebrated service.

Such powerful emotions don't make for a restful afterlife...

I hold up my hand to my allies signalling "stay put" as I keep my eyes fixed on the tower. My voice is friendly, sincere, but strong. One soldier to another.

"While I am stout of heart and skilled at arms, I would not for a moment pretend to be in possession of the unrivaled humility and discipline necessary to man the Breach Warden's post.

I could no more fill your shoes than could I thaw the Pale Prince's heart."

Per Manbearcat
Another blast of cold air assails your skin and ruffles your garb.

"Then why do you come?"

"We journey to Shinaelestra to resupply before we travel to the Feydark. The fomorians of Vor Thomil have captured a patrol. We will see them freed if still alive or avenged if their fires have been quenched. We simply seek shelter against the evening's cruelties and the eyes of our enemies.

Would you help us?"

Per Manbearcat
[sblock]You can take +1.[/sblock]


[sblock]Defy Danger (Cha)
1, 4 +1 (take +1) = 7

Success but with a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]

Per Manbearcat
The silvery sheen of a ghostly warrior, cloak billowing wildly behind him by an unseen wind, manifests at the top of the steps and regards you. But only for the slightest of moments. It turns and walks back toward the tower and disappears.

"Make your fire and rest your weary bones in the tower's courtyard, but you will receive no protection from the inner sanctum. Only an oathbound warden can cross the tower's threshold. All others are forbidden, punishable by death."

I look to Saerie. "We will be delivered from the cold night wind with defensible walls and a choke-point. This is as good as it gets unless we wish to incur the wrath of a noble spirit."
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I look to Saerie. "We will be delivered from the cold night wind with defensible walls and a choke-point. This is as good as it gets unless we wish to incur the wrath of a noble spirit."

"This is as good of a defensible and sheltering location as we could typically hope for out in the wild."

I scale the steps and survey the overgrown courtyard. Where two walls meet in the back, there is a a firepirt and delapidated spit. That means we won't have to make our own. Perfect.

I tell Otthor to take Sadia, and Leonel out to harvest as many bundles of the red long grass as possible. It should make fair tender to keep a fire throughout the night. It will also serve for a roof of a temporary shelter should we see any rain.

There is some wild fennel and dogweed out there which will serve to strengthen a stew I will be preparing so I describe it and request they bring some back.

Meanwhile, I'll grab some branches from the few trees that dot the courtyard to make the framing of a lean-to against the stone walls of the yard. I'll locate the fresh water source that the men of the tower used to refill skins and fill the stew pot. I'll place dehydrated sweet potatoes and carrots in there and the dogweed and fennel.

While we partake of our meal, I'll give Rawr a good back-scratching. "We will cross over into the mortal world on the evening we spend in Shinaelestra. I'm thinking of taking the wolf out into the wild and parting ways."

As always, I'll let Rawr watch first so he can get straight uninterrupted rest because he's a big, sleepy bear! Then myself, Otthor, and finally Leonel. But, of course, I'll be watching the whole night with Vigilance.

[sblock]Make Camp
I'm managing provisions.

Manage Provisions (Wis)
2, 5 + 3 = 10

I'll choose:

The party consumes the expected amount of rations and the food you prepare is excellent. Describe it, and everyone who licks their lips takes +1 forward.

That would be 4 Rations for each of us. I'll remove them from my stash. Rawr and the Dire Wolf already took their rations during their hunt.

Neither of us have enough xp to level up. I set the watch order. I'll go ahead and roll the +nothing to make things simple.

2, 4 + 0 = 6

Everyong marks XP, and Danger manifests. You'd better Stay Sharp!

I don't know who you'll pick for watch when this occurs, but I roll to Stay Sharp due to Vigilance even if it isn't me so I'll roll my Stay Sharp.

Stay Sharp (Wis)
3, 5 +3 = 11

You notice in time to alert everyone and prepare a response; all party members take +1 forward.[/sblock]


A quick heads up. I just updated my character in post 333 to reflect the change from Audience With the Queen to Legacy with Leonel's stats. Also, with the change to Rawr's stats and Instincts, I changed my bond with him to mischievousness from stubbornness. Saerie's bond would need to change too.

While we partake of our meal, I'll give Rawr a good back-scratching. "We will cross over into the mortal world on the evening we spend in Shinaelestra. I'm thinking of taking the wolf out into the wild and parting ways."

I'll put my bowl of stew to my mouth and drink of it while I ponder a moment. I give Saerie a smile and a thumbs up indicating the stew is good. I can feel it revitalizing my weary body.

"It is your choice to make. All I will say is that even cowards have their place. I watched Rawr hunt with the wolf. I could be wrong, but it seemed that he may have enjoyed the bestial camaraderie. When the raptors came for the wolf, Rawr didn't hesitate to put himself at risk to protect it."

I walk over and sit next to her to take of my stew and give her a hand in the back-scratching of the mighty bear. "He is an amazing creature, as stout of heart and loyal as any soul I've encountered. If he has found a new friend, it would be a pity to take it from him. Perhaps you should seek his council rather than my own."

Once finished with the meal, I'll show Leonel some finger exercises to improve his dexterity and fine motor coordination. He'll need much improvement to master the art of Bladespells. I'll walk down to the base of the broken stair and walk the field of bones. When I come across a hand weapon of sufficient wieldiness, a straight blade with good weight, I pick it up. I pull the clasp of the weapon belt from the skeletal figure that bore the weapon in life. I'm flipping it end over end and catching it as I walk over to where Sadia is preparing to bed down. I'll tussle the girl's hair. When she looks up at me, I say "up." When she stands, I place the weapon belt around her waist and clasp it so it fits. I hand her the blade and I look over at Saerie. "We will teach you to use this in the days to come. The wild is no place to be without a weapon. Get used to its weight and the feel of it in your hand."

I then make a small bed of the long grass to insulate me from the cold ground, close my eyes, and find rest.
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The familiar stink of concentrated, aged urine rouses you instantly from your rest, Saerie. The moon cascades off the stone of the tower, illuminating it, and bathes the eladrin boy's face in white light. The orange and blue of the small fire dimly pushes back against the rest of the darkness of the courtyard. Leonel looks at you a bit wide-eyed as you spring up. "Something is out there...isn't it?"

[sblock]Per your 10+ on Stay Sharp, you're able to alert everyone and prepare a response. Everyone takes +1 forward. Which they already did do to your Manage Provisions.[/sblock]

The sound of massive feet crunching stone and disrupting the skeletal remnants of long-dead treasure-seekers, defilers, and raiders. The familiar, gravelly voice of a fey giant.

"It is I, Korshek, leader of the hunt and Moon Seer of my people. My coming should be of no surprise to you, elf. I have called upon the signs to speak through me. They have demanded a Wild Hunt for the dangerous oathbreaker you keep."

Those words provoke multiple, distinctive, deep voices to howl, bark or cry out in exultation. They hush just as quickly.

"Far have we tracked you. The time of penance is at long last upon us."

A moment's pause.

"Only one throat need be opened tonight...only one debt fulfilled. Do not interfere."

[sblock]You have a few moments to describe a brief, credible response that you prepare. You can certainly wake all of your companions.

Also, I'm going to need one of you guys to roll +nothing:

A Ghost's Indignation

10+ and the Breach Warden is offended by the intrusion. He takes your side.
7-9 and the Breach Warden is conflicted. Anyone nearing the tower earns his wrath.
6- and the Breach Warden holds you responsible for bringing the hostiles to his tower.[/sblock]


The familiar stink of concentrated, aged urine rouses you instantly from your rest, Saerie. The moon cascades off the stone of the tower, illuminating it, and bathes the eladrin boy's face in white light. The orange and blue of the small fire dimly pushes back against the rest of the darkness of the courtyard. Leonel looks at you a bit wide-eyed as you spring up. "Something is out there...isn't it?"

[sblock]Per your 10+ on Stay Sharp, you're able to alert everyone and prepare a response. Everyone takes +1 forward. Which they already did do to your Manage Provisions.[/sblock]

"Yes. Wake Sadia and Otthor."

I place a hand on each of my animals and gently shake them.

When all are awake, I place my finger to my mouth, point the other toward the stone stair leading up to the courtyard and whisper "...Firbolgs. The ones Sadia and I encountered days ago most likely."

That is when we hear it...

The sound of massive feet crunching stone and disrupting the skeletal remnants of long-dead treasure-seekers, defilers, and raiders. The familiar, gravelly voice of a fey giant.

"It is I, Korshek, leader of the hunt and Moon Seer of my people. My coming should be of no surprise to you, elf. I have called upon the signs to speak through me. They have demanded a Wild Hunt for the dangerous oathbreaker you keep."

Those words provoke multiple, distinctive, deep voices to howl, bark or cry out in exultation. They hush just as quickly.

"Far have we tracked you. The time of penance is at long last upon us."

A moment's pause.

"Only one throat need be opened tonight...only one debt fulfilled. Do not interfere."

[sblock]You have a few moments to describe a brief, credible response that you prepare. You can certainly wake all of your companions.

Also, I'm going to need one of you guys to roll +nothing:

A Ghost's Indignation

10+ and the Breach Warden is offended by the intrusion. He takes your side.
7-9 and the Breach Warden is conflicted. Anyone nearing the tower earns his wrath.
6- and the Breach Warden holds you responsible for bringing the hostiles to his tower.[/sblock]

I look gravely at Otthor. "If you can defend the stair, we can keep them bottlenecked."

I subtly growl in the language of each of my beasts.

"Rawr, you're up front with Otthor."

Then to the wolf. "Find a way to circle behind them."

To Otthor; "Can you render Sadia invisible?"

We would have been camped in the back right corner of the courtyard. I'm going to move along the wall to the front right and climb where the walls converge to use that as a sniper's perch for LoS to the stair. I will take Sadia by the hand. She can hide in that dark corner. I'm going to take the climb slow and carefully. No haste here. I don't want to give our position away.

I would have dismissed Lucky for his needed rest in the spirit world. Closing my eyes and projecting my thoughts, I will call him back. "We need you my friend."

[sblock]I don't want to have to DD for that climb. I'll eat the time taken before I can make my Called Shot move to make it so.

Animal Spirit (Wis)
2, 4 +3 (take +2 forward) = 11

Choose 3

* Your spirit is cunning and adds +1 when you discern realities.
* Your spirit protects you; it adds +1 armor.
* Your spirit loves a good game of fetch. Following combat, your animal spirit always locates 1 expended ammo (add this back to your total).

A Ghost's Indignation
6, 1 = 7

The Breach Warden is conflicted. Anyone nearing the tower earns his wrath.[/sblock]

I know I may not be able to get all that done before the fireworks start or something interrupts.


To Otthor; "Can you render Sadia invisible?"

I move to Sadia, place my hand upon her shoulder, and begin spellcasting. I feel a hand grasp my wrist.

"I will protect her. I swear it."

I look at the intensity in the young eladrin's eyes and slowly pull my hand away as I do. "I believe you."

Obviously Leonel is following Saerie and Sadia to the corner. He will stand sentinel before her. He only needs to be Near to Defend, so he will be a ways forward toward the stair. Can he be Near to the top of the stair and to Sadia?

"Only one throat need be opened tonight...only one debt fulfilled. Do not interfere."

I run by Rawr, pat him on the flank with one hand, and draw my sword with the other. The two of us rush across the courtyard to the top of the ruined stair.

Once there, I stare down at the hairy fey giants.

"Only one throat need be opened tonight?" I look down and tap the top stone step below me twice. I look back up. "I quite agree." I raise my sword and point it at Korshek. "You have threatened an innocent child. But I will not hold your men responsible for the villainy of the fool mystic leading them." I wave him forward. "Come. Cross blades with me and I will spare your fellow hunters."

Very grimly, I deadpan " it not and every one of you will die today."

[sblock]Channeling William Wallace!

Throw Down the Guantlet (Cha)
4, 3 +1 (take +2) = 10

They choose 2 if they do not accept your duel.

* You take +1 ongoing against them until they defeat you
* They lose the respect of their peers and underlings
* They retreat[/sblock]

The 7 giants stare hard up at you, their cro-magnon brows and hairy faces making for an indecipherable mask. The 4 in the rear are lithe and long, holding longspears, butt on the ground, and a sheaf of javelins adrorn their hips. The 2 flanking Korshek are impossibly thick brutes, eschewing weapons and all clothing save for a simple loin cloth.

Korshek is the biggest of the bunch, all of ten feet with high cheekbones, braided hair, and a mangled left eye socket and brow. Like those in the rear, his hairy body is covered by pelts and furs adorned with crudely scrawled pictorials indicating service to the The Maiden of the Moon.

He takes in your words as he white knuckles a beautifully carved longspear.

The two menacing figures behind him speak up in their giant tongue, all grunts and thick-sounding as if they're talking while eating. What little you know informs you that they aren't pleased by your disrespect. Disrespect that is passed on to the Three Fates they serve. Korshek must offer you up to The Crone (the Raven Queen).

Korshek clearly does not agree and violence nearly breaks out for a moment, when suddenly the fey giant leader wheels and heaves his longspear up at you, churning his legs as he barrels behind it. The fine carvings of the wood become scales. The wood "melts" into the form of a serpent, a huge constrictor with fangs leading...bearing down on you with incredible speed.

The hulking hunters behind him look on, motionless.

[sblock]Obviously I'm accepting the duel. Let me know how you're going to handle this snake. Just fyi, Korshek was at Near range, but he is in dead sprint up the steps. You can Wind Slash him if you'd like, but you can only get a 7-9 max, the complication will be danger, and the danger will be the giant constrictor.[/sblock]

Quick breakdown of your immediate surroundings:

1) The tower is a good 20 paces behind you on a stone path.

2) The ruined stair is a good 30 ft wide. It is pocked and cracked by settlement/natural earth movement everywhere with bones strewn all about. Of primary note is it is missing a massive chunk near to the top, to your right. It is like an Earth Titan decided to take a bite out of it. The fall to the ground below is a good 40 feet.
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