I explode into action, dashing forward and somersaulting under the spear turned constrictor. My intentions are to meet the giant halfway, in reach of the sting of my blade. Also to keep him out of reach of Rawr's instinct to tear him to pieces.
As I do so, I shout to Saerie. "Keep Rawr heeled!"
[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
2, 3 +3 = 8
Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]
I spin away as he attempts to run right through me. I feel his thick arm across my shoulders trying to corral me and pull me in for a crushing hug. I put a foot into his chest and back-flip over his arm. I save myself from a crushing squeeze, but he still has my off-arm pinned and a handful of cloak.
I go to work with my blade. Lets see how he reacts to a flurry of steel and if I can find an opening to get free.
[sblock]Hack and Slash (Dex)
6, 5 +3 = 14
You deal your damage to the enemy and avoid their attack.
d8, piercing 1. 5 - 1 (2 armor - 1 piercing) = 4 damage.
The Riddle of Steel (Wis)
5, 1 +0 (+1 forward) = 7
1 question and take +1 when acting on it.
* What is this person about to do?[/sblock]
My brain flashes to what I know of Firbolg's martial capabilities. The regeneration? The moon magic? I fought beside them many decades ago in the midst of my early soldiering. My unit was was on a routine patrol one evening on the borderlands of Brokenstone Vale. We came upon a pair of Firbolg huntsmen who were fighting for their lives against a pack of werewolves.
[sblock]Spout Lore (Int)
1, 4 +3 (take +1 for military) = 9
The GM will only tell you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful.[/sblock]
Hmmmm...necrosis? Soul-Siphoning it is!
I'll get back to you on what I'm going to do. Saerie needs to Order Followers anyway so Rawr defies his instincts to get violent here.
As I do so, I shout to Saerie. "Keep Rawr heeled!"
[sblock]Defy Danger (Dex)
2, 3 +3 = 8
Success but a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.[/sblock]
Per Manbearcat
You feel the heaviness of the snake and the snapping of its jaws just overhead as you nimbly evade it. When you come out of your somersault and spring at your foe, he has cut the distance alarmingly. For a giant, he is much quicker than one might expect. He is literally upon you.
[sblock]You've got two choices here:
1) You can accept a close quarters clinch where he has your off-arm pinned. You won't be able to combine sword and spell (no Master's Bladework move) until you break the clinch, but you can Hack and Slash.
2) You can eat his damage without the Forceful tag, evade/break the clinch and Master's Bladework normally (or whatever you want to do; (b[2d8+3] damage 2 piercing) Forceful[/sblock]
I spin away as he attempts to run right through me. I feel his thick arm across my shoulders trying to corral me and pull me in for a crushing hug. I put a foot into his chest and back-flip over his arm. I save myself from a crushing squeeze, but he still has my off-arm pinned and a handful of cloak.
I go to work with my blade. Lets see how he reacts to a flurry of steel and if I can find an opening to get free.
[sblock]Hack and Slash (Dex)
6, 5 +3 = 14
You deal your damage to the enemy and avoid their attack.
d8, piercing 1. 5 - 1 (2 armor - 1 piercing) = 4 damage.
The Riddle of Steel (Wis)
5, 1 +0 (+1 forward) = 7
1 question and take +1 when acting on it.
* What is this person about to do?[/sblock]
Per Manbearcat
1) Your blade cuts into the hairy, pink flesh of Korshek's muscled forearm. The wound begins to close almost instantaneously.
[sblock]Regen 2[/sblock]
2) He growls an invocation to the Maiden of the Moon as his eyes burn with silvery fire. You feel burning radiance begin to transfer from his hand, which is also glowing silver, to your form.
If you attempt to break free of his grasp, you can take an additional +1 (for +2), but the effort will ensure that you take the full effect of the magic he is channeling into you.
My brain flashes to what I know of Firbolg's martial capabilities. The regeneration? The moon magic? I fought beside them many decades ago in the midst of my early soldiering. My unit was was on a routine patrol one evening on the borderlands of Brokenstone Vale. We came upon a pair of Firbolg huntsmen who were fighting for their lives against a pack of werewolves.
[sblock]Spout Lore (Int)
1, 4 +3 (take +1 for military) = 9
The GM will only tell you something interesting—it’s on you to make it useful.[/sblock]
Per Manbearcat
Korshek's torn eyesocket obviously didn't regenerate. It appears to have been "cauterized" by necrosis as blackened, rotted flesh permeates the wound site.
Your recollection of the moon magic from that day is that the burning radiance outlined the werewolves, preventing their slinking away and seemed to prevent their own lycanthropy-driven regeneration.
Hmmmm...necrosis? Soul-Siphoning it is!
I'll get back to you on what I'm going to do. Saerie needs to Order Followers anyway so Rawr defies his instincts to get violent here.