What people? As far as I can see, the only people who seem strongly against new classes are WotC.
Almost everyone I have personally played with and talked with this about. Not everyone, but the vast majority.
What people? As far as I can see, the only people who seem strongly against new classes are WotC.
I have to ask. In what world can this character be even competent in combat?
You have 10 CON, which means you'll only have HP equal to a standard wizard of the same level with 14 CON.
You have 16 DEX and the only feat you listed that can increase your DEX ability is Skill Expert, so you're falling behind on attack rolls as enemy AC grows.
Cloud Rune is nice, but that's only one use between rests.
Fire Rune is laughable. With 10 CON, the enemy only needs to save with STR against 8 + Proficiency bonus to ignore the effects.
Mage Hand Press's website has a bunch of stuff that's free, or at least it did.In there an example of there stuff that’s not behind a paywall?
Different experiences. Very much not mine.Almost everyone I have personally played with and talked with this about. Not everyone, but the vast majority.
How can you be so comfortable believing that your opinion is the majority? What makes your experience more accurate than someone else's.The would not be more complex, they just don't have the same story/wow elements that spells have and I think for that reason most people don't want them.
My 2nd level spell was Hold Person, now I am third level and can throw a huge ball of fire is cool.
A martial that could stun an oppenent at 3rd level and then at 5th can damage everyone within 30 feet with an attack action is largely the same mechanic and no more complex than the spells, but I don't think most players want or care about this at their table. I don't think it ads much to the story or character for most players.
There are some, but I think it is a relatively small minority of players overall. It is probably at least a plurality of players who post on forums like this though.
That statement works both ways, and I would argue WOTC is going to cater to the majority and the other side can homebrew if they can find a group of players that see things their way.
The Rune Knight build you've provided basically sacrifices every subclass feature in exchange for out of combat utility. That's not a sacrifice any caster has to make, because they get good features for both combat and non-combat pillars.
No, you are missing some important things. Most notably Giants Might 4 times a day and Runic Shield 4 times a day. You also have Second Wind 1/sr and a Fighting Style and they are both significant.Up to level 12, that build is solely relying on Extra Attack, Action Surge (1/sr) and Cloud Rune (1/sr) to carry you through combats.
That's not competent, that's terrible.
I also do not think you could build an 8th level full caster as good at both the social and exploration pillars as that character in the example. Consider with a 20 casting stat you have 13 spells to prepare, that is it. Maybe you could do a Bard that good, but I would have to really think about it a while.
I don't know.Almost everyone I have personally played with and talked with this about. Not everyone, but the vast majority.
Sure, let me have a crack at it. A level 8 wizard has 4-3-3-2 leveled slots. Add to that Arcane Recovery for four more levels' worth of spells.
Cantrips: Ray of Frost, Friends, Minor Illusion
1st level: Shield, Absorb Elements
2nd level: Web, Enhance Ability
3rd level: Hypnotic Pattern, Fly, Fireball
4th level: Polymorph, Dimension Door
You have enough slots to cast at least one Concentration spell above 1st level in a standard adventuring day (6-8 fights), and still weave in defensive first level spells as needed. Fly and Dimension Door are great for exploration.
Cast Friends and Enhance Ability for social shenanigans. Minor Illusion for both pillars, why not?
And I haven't even mentioned rituals like Find Familiar and Tiny Hut...