The Four Hobbies of TTRPG's

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Sorry but I think the quote is stupid.

They are incredibly broad categories that apply to any hobby or sport.

Take running for instance. There are shoe afficionados that do a ton of collecting but not so much running, others that discuss various races going on, others that slap on their old trusties and hit the pavement, and all variations in between.

Not sure what value the original article is trying to bring


Long-time Lurker
I'm not sure this naturally follows.
On reflection, you are correct. It does not naturally follow.

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say not everyone belong to all groups, or people have a preference towards one group in particular?

They are incredibly broad categories that apply to any hobby or sport.

Yes - that's the point. I was trying to see how those would apply to TTRPGs, given that there broad categories apply to several other hobbies/sports.


Perhaps it would be more accurate to say not everyone belong to all groups, or people have a preference towards one group in particular?
I'd agree with not everyone belongs to all groups. I'd consider someone who plays but does not get into talking about it outside of the game or collecting stuff part of the hobby. Someone who is between games but continues to get books or who likes to talk about the game is part of the RPG hobby.

Voidrunner's Codex

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