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The Four Lands - The Great North


Rhun said:
Vadric nods to Anniston. "Yes, sir, I am an ordained priest. I would be honored to share the sacrament with you." The priest looks around at the other men. "And with the rest of you, as well.

"I would welcome the opportunity." replies Modjan to Vadic

"A wise leader of men is worth more than all the soldiers in the land." Jaroth replies in approval. "I count myself blessed to have met you."

"My thanks for the kind words, but always count yer blessings at the end of the voyage" replies Modjan with a wink to Jaroth.

Meanwhile, Rendee examines the spear. "Now this is a fine piece of work. Most impressive. You are a fortunate man." He is clearly humbled by the superior weapon.

"It is quite nice, though it holds less history and meaning than yours. I come from poor folk, and while stout and good with a club, there are no warriors in my lineage that would have been able to hand down any kind of weapon. It is you who are fortunate to have such a connection to your forefathers" replies Modjan summoning Andvari to return the spear.

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Finnian rises as the others begin withdrawing from the table.

"I must agree that this was a most enjoyable meal, and it was a pleasure to meet you all. Hopefully the voyage will allow us more pleasant visits like this one.
"Vadric, I would be honored to attend services with yourself. I might even be persuaded to share my small talent with music at such services if that would be your wish.
"Now I think it is time I seek to discover what inspiration the sea may provide."

Finnian leaves the mess, stopping by his cabin long enough to gather his harp, and heads out on deck seeking an out of the way spot to watch the activities of the crew and the swell of the sea.


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Jaroth takes Finnian's cue and rises to leave as well. "It was indeed a pleasure to have met all of you. Now if you'll excuse me, I must retire to my cabin for a brief time. Perhaps I will see you on deck later." He bows slightly to those assembled.

As he passes the boy who cringed at the merchant's harsh words, he lays a hand on his shoulder and whispers in his ear in The Old Tongue. "Fear not, young one. Remain true."

Jaroth retires to his cabin to record the names and conversations he had with the others. After he has done so, he goes out to the deck to get some fresh air.

J. Alexander

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The Voyage

The "Western Star" makes good time and reaches the open sea in a little over 5 days. Steering a course south by south west it makes for the coast of the united Provinices. After a leisuly 2 1/2 week voyage the ship arrives in the Port of Amster. Sailing into the harbor, the party views a semi shelterd port with low hills to the immediate south and running to the west. Directly North lies massive stone piers at which are docked the might of the United Provices such as it is. Small cutters partol the outer harbor with armed marines. Several small frigates are noticed as the outer picket for the harbor.

Unable to find space at a pier, Captain Sweetwater engages the services of several small harbor barges to transport goods to and from the ship. Addressing the party he says "Ravingsblight. Gentlmen, you have until 4am tomorrow to be on land. We sail on the morning tide. For those of you who are remaing as passanger to our trip to WestPoint, i would suggest you look into personal cabin stores unless you want ship's food for the next 5 to 7 weeks." Bidding the party goodday, he starts to see about reporvising his ship. It is now roughly 3:00 pm. on the September 8, 1125YL.

ACtions Gentlmen?

Rath Lorien

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Over the last 2.5 weeks, Anniston will attempt to detect evil and use sense motive on the passengers and crew. He is using this ability to help him get a sense of each person's character. I do not expect the detecting of evil to result in a confrontation (well, depending on the result...), but any evil will result in a heightened awareness of those people and their activities on board ship. If anyone is evil I will try to determine over the course of time what other passengers or crew they are associated with and what their business might be. Not active "spying" mind you, just keeping my eyes and ears open.

"Vadric, if you are going into town I would be happy to go with you."

Anniston will purchase wine, brandy, some hearty fruits, and food that might have some chance of surviving the voyage. He will also pick up an empty book, pens, and ink to start a journal. If he finds any books that look interesting (particularly those of a religeous subject mater, medetation, etc) he may pick up a few of those as well.


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Over the course of the voyage, a pattern will become apparent to those particularly observant. Finnian never misses a chance to visit with people over a meal yet never manages to consume even enough to satisfy a three year-old. His diplomatic and bardic trainings are evident as he manages to get people to talk about themselves and their homelands sharing his own collection of tales without drawing attention to the fact that he is not really eating and drinking as much as his companions of the moment think he is.

He also spends a lot of time on deck with various instruments taking in the life of the ship and sea and trying to set it to music.

When the ship reaches port, Finnian gathers some necessities and prepares to go into town. Seeing Anniston preparing to visit town as well, Finnian joins him at the rail.

"Well, it appears you are heading into to town. Perhaps you wouldn't mind some company. I need to get some supplies myself. With so much materrial to work with, I find I haven't brought enough writing materials with me. Also, this salt air is hard on an instrument. It seems I need to pick up more spare strings."

[sblock]While in town, Finnian will be using Listen, Sense Motive, and Gather Information to take the pulse of the town and collect what rumors he can.[/sblock]


First Post
Vadric passes the time much the same as the others during the trip. The priest performs a morning prayer service for those that would offer up their praise to the Light, and then spends an hour after exercising and practicing with his blade. He spends time chatting with the others as often as he can, getting to know them.

Rath Lorien said:
"Vadric, if you are going into town I would be happy to go with you."

Vadric nods at Anniston's offer. "Your companionship would be welcome. It is certainly past time that I spent a few hours on land." Once in town, Vadric purchases foodstuffs along the same lines as Anniston. Wine, fruits, cheeses, breads and smoked meats, and perhaps a bottle of good brandy as well.
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The Ranger, Rendee and the other three men of their party spend considerable time together and quickly get into the ships routine. It becomes clear the men have traveled together for some time. However, they are open and friendly with the others. Bertrand can often be seen strolling the length of the ship for exercise with a big fawn colored bloodhound. They sometimes play a game tracking down other members of the group. When the chance comes to go ashore, Bertrand issues some coin to his men and they go out together. Bertrand notes Vadric and Anniston going ashore and wanders over, "Might I join you gentlemen?"

OOC: While ashore Bertrand's men have a shopping list including some fresh grains, hay and fruits for the mounts, fresh fruits, vegetables, cheese, breads and meat as well as smoked meats such as ham and bacon and two casks of fresh water and one of ale or beer. Also dried or preserved fruits and vegetables. Replacements for any worn gear or clothing and 3 weeks dried rations for emergencies. They are to deliver the goods to the ship and may spend the night ashore as long as they return early. His own time ashore will be spent in more causual shopping for goods of unusual quality and any local foods that catch his eye. He will take the time to visit a temple and light a candle for his wife.
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First Post

Over the past 2 and a half weeks, you might have noticed Jaroth on the deck more often than not. Several times a day, he communes with nature to get a sense of his surroundings and to be one with The Green. This exercise also allows him to notice and aberrations or oddities among the ship's passengers.

Jaroth is sociable when engaged in conversation, but unlike Finnian, he does not necessarily seek out conversation with the ship's passengers.

When the announcement is made, he approaches Vadric, Anniston, Finnian and Bertrand and asks to join them on their journey to shore. He is particularly interested in purchasing more ink, another quill, some more paper and a blank book. He will purchase food, smoked meats and hard cheeses, bread, a couple of casks of fresh water, some fine wine (2 casks) and he will look for some books on geography to read on his journey.

Rath Lorien

First Post
While the group is preparing to disembark, Anniston will find an opportunity to talk to Jaroth privately, "I'm glad you will walk with us into town. We have not had much of a chance to talk. I notice that you have not joined us for morning Illumination. I hope you do not feel unwelcome. Do you follow the Light?"
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Voidrunner's Codex

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