The Funeral: Raven alone


The place detailed in the paper Zhorra gave Raven leads her to house Orien's stables in Sharn's outskirts. There (not without evident annoyance from the caretaker, an elf) she's offered a magebred horse, an imposing animal of reddish coat color and oversized muscles. While not beautiful, the animal does well what it was made for, as it gallops as easily as breathing. Two hours later it isn't even sweating and you've arrived at Zid. It's a small community of just several dozen houses, surrounded by farmin field and forested hills. It must be a peaceful place, since you can't see any armed soldier or guard, and the place doesn't even have a palisade.

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Raven swings off her horse, exhilarated by the ride, and the excitment of her adventure.

She leads her horse towards the nearest dwelling. Somewhere here was a warforged scout. And somehow he'd sent a message by post. She would ask about a postoffice first. She knocks on the door...

Raven has little problem finding the post office: a diminutive building manned by a tanned half elf. He springs from his chair when he spots you. "I wasn't expecting you so soon." he says. "So I guess you're in kind of a hurry. I take you were looking for a warforged?" says offering you a chair.

Raven is slightly taken aback to be expected, but tries to cover her surprise. Perhaps this man also works for House Orien in a roundabout way.

"Yes. You are correct. And your name is...? Where is this warforged?"

"I'm Luar. Luar Octsar" says the half elf. And noticing Raven's surprise he adds smiling: "I'm the one in charge of the office. This place is too insignificant for a dragonmarked scion, you know"

"The warforged is a weird one. It's too small, unlike the other's I've seen, and lives like an hermit. Not that it needs too much, since it doesn't eat or feel cold; whatever little he needs, he trades for some oddjobs, furs or hunt. You're lucky, I think he's at the inn's stables right now."

Raven smiles. "Thank you Luar. I"m Raven Thorn, as you may know. I'll go to the stables then. See you later."

Raven will go to the Inn's stables.

"Glad to help. Mention me in sharn!" says Luar as Raven walks away.

The inn, a fairly common one in more or less the village's centre, can be seen from the post office, an the stables as you can expect aren't far away. There's a diminutive warforged there, shovelling horse manure. He tirls his head when you appear, and doesn't seem to mind you for a second. Then he raises his head and turns to you, waiting expectantly.

"Good afternoon." (or whatever time of day it is)

"I'll be staying here tonight. Can you take my horse?" Raven says with a smile.

"I don't work here" says the warforged. "I'm just cleaning. The inn have people to do that."

Meanwhile Raven had time to have a closer look on him. Apart from his smaller size, he's built with a less bulky and lighter frame, and covered with relatively smaller plates. Also, his structure have weird signs of warping: parts of his plating is cracked, other parts seem to be fused with dirt and rocks, and some of the wood in his construction looks like it grew tiny branches that then died.

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