The Funeral: Raven alone


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Orerreth said

"I think that's enough planing for now. I'll leave a message at the tavern where we met ealier, tomorrow at this hour, telling you where you can find me. We'll share what we learned then, and I'll have something for you."

Raven does plan to return directly to the tavern. How's the time going? Is it too late to meet Orerreth at the tavern when he is planning to drop the message? Or too late? I guess either way, she will return & try to catch up with the main group &/or with Orerreth. She'll update Zhora before long too.

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ooc: Sorry! I lost some track of things with the party split. You can post at the tavern if you want: there's no message there, nor Orerreth or the rest of the party.


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OOC: Shall I assume more than 24 hours has elapsed since they last spoke to Orerreth? I guess if she doesn't find anything at the inn, she'll go back to give a report to hous orien.


ooc: No, it's still today. The skyway fight was in the morning, and you've spent the rest of the day with your (yours and the rest of the party's) investigations. The other four party members may want to force a fight, in which case you'll have to wait a little, or I'd thought on something for you to do meanwhile.


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Raven will ride the magebred horse back to the stables. Then she makes the trek back to House Orien to visit Zhora. If she can get in, she will tell the woman what she has learned.

"This scout seems to know nothing. He claims he put the crystal in Basher's chest & now only wants to live in peace. I believe him."


"Many warforged tend to think in straightforward terms." agree Zhora. "It's not strange he really wants to be left alone. At least you know how things were left at the end of the war; in these matters, tiny slivers of information are often vital pieces of the puzzle."

ooc: Some time ago you asked how I planned the chase scene at the beginning of the adventure to play. I hoped for something similar to what it came to be, but didnt' force it: railroading the scene would destroy it, specially with experienced players and DMs involved who would easily recognize that. I knew there were many things that could go wrong, but risked it anyway. It IMO turned to be great, if a bit confusing at times.

I also used it to experiment with a theory of mine; designing situations and encounters where pure damage output isn't the end of the story to encourage diverse, non-optimized characters. I tend to think that if you design encounters with weaker than normal enemies (you could have easily mopped the floor with the enemy party in a normal fight in a 30x30 foot room) but in which unusual circumstances play, the players will put less emphasis in raw damage output and defense on their characters and more in things like speed and mobility, social interaction, information gathering, and other, often less valued skills; also tend to think on a less killy approach and instead concentrate on unusual strategies and often unused maneuvers (like Bull rush). It's working in my games as far as I've tested it.


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"I think my next step will be to meet Orerreth again. He says he will contact us tomorrow at the Tower Shard. The others who were at the first battle may still be investigating this; I know not. But I'll try to find them as well. I'll keep you posted. Thanks for your assistance, Zhora." says Raven.

She's now ready to head back to the Tavern, eat, sleep, bathe and wait for someone to come to her.

OOC: Cool. I like it. I've been trying to use more skill checks in my games. For less usual skills such as balance & the various Knowledge areas. This game is fun.

Voidrunner's Codex

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