The Funeral (Stonegood judging) [finished]

He's Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy Fun Fun Fun Fun Fun!

Stulgar will grab the shiny part of the decaying warforged and remove it, while holding Ceshil at bay (Ready action to strike if he has a standard action to do it).

"We win."

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*Siobhan continues on her way to the chapel, moving at a reasonable pace. She is not perturbed that she will be last. That is the way of things--Brother takes the front and she will bring up the rear. She hopes that he realises that the Cannithers will not play fair just because he wins the race...then again, Brother was always fairly adept at violence when necessary...perhaps even moreso after his latest absence.*

Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

Niccolo grins at Orerreth as he feels the spell envelop him. "Hopefully it won't be necessary, but who am I to argue?" Then he races on again, doing his best to keep on the other side of the stands from Ceshil's thugs.

”Hopefully not” is Orerreth’s answer to Niccolo. ”But blood has been already spilled, and doesn’t look like that’s going to stop.” The party hurries behind the armed men through the hostile, snobbish crowd of the skyway, now disperse enough to not suppose any impediment.

At the chapel Stulgar grabs the Brelish crest on Basher’s chest, only to lift the whole warforged’s body a couple inches from the dais. Suddenly he remembers it’s not any kind of shield they are looking for, but it’s supposed to be a crystal. But where is it? At the chapel’s gates, the Canniths advance menacingly, while Ceshil laughs at Stulgar’s confusion and extends a hand towards the shifter. A sudden weight crushes Stulgar’s brain, throbbing like the worst headache imaginable.

[crunch details:

Initiative list:

Ceshil 21
Armed men 18
Orerreth 14
Raven 14
Stulgar 9
Niccolo 5
Latharion 4
Siobhan 4

To speed things up a little bit I did two rounds at once, since after completing this round I thought that the situation changed very little and it was very likely that you’d end doing the same thing all over.

Raven, Niccolo, Latharion, Siobhan and Orerreth continue moving after the Canniths, ending slightly behind them.

Stulgar tries to grab the Brelish crest from basher’s body, but he discovers its’ firmly affixed and won’t move that easy. He remembers also that the thing they were looking for is “a crystal, about the size of a human fist, only slightly smaller.”, definitely not the crest. This is for his first round, so he still has a round worth of actions. In other words, you can declare your actions for rounds 6 and 7, while the rest of the party will be declaring their round 7 actions. I hope I’m not being confusing.

While I did expect you to do more or less what you’re doing now (search, keep readying actions, etc) if you had in mind something else don’t hesitate do say so and we’ll retroactively change things for your actions.

Meanwhile the first round Ceshil and his men (except the one that got caught in the Grease) gather near the gate. The next round Ceshil casts a spell on Stulgar, who has to make a DC 15 Will ST or suffer 9 points of non-lethal damage. The rest of the men move into their current positions, ready to attack the shifter, who must be running out of raging steam by now.

Status: Latharion 6 damage, Siobhan 9 damage. Stulgar may or may not have 9 points of non-lethal damage. Niccolo has a +2 deflection bonus to AC]


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Raven had hoped the chapel would be well guarded, and everyone would have to stop and talk. But this was evidently not the case. She didn't know anyone here, really, not even those who had been in the Sharn Tavern with her before Orerreth arrived.

But it was clear that those of House Cannith were quick to resort of force to seize this object here and now. There was to be no recourse to diplomacy. No time to figure out the rightful owner of the object, if there even were such a person.

Orerreth seemed to have a better case of ownership, having somehow had a message sent to him with the location, while the Cannith were planning to take this information from him by force. Raven's only options were to enter the combat, or just walk away. At this point, she wouldn't even be able to take th 50 gold for the second option, so it would just have to be the first.

Continuing to dash behind the guards, Raven moves in and strikes down the one standing behind Ceshil.

OOC: I believe Raven is able to move normally now, this would allow her to move 30 feet and attack the guard behind Ceshil. On second look, I believe she would have to move 35 feet to do this. In which case, she will 'charge.' Presumably she can catch the guard from behind, giving her flanking and sneak attack bonus. Coupled with 'charge' this would give her AC 16, longsword: +8 1d8+2, +1d6 sneak damage. Rolls: to hit 16 dmg 8 + 2 sneak.

Latharion moves north and tries to hide in the crowds. He keeps an eye on the thug to the west of him, trying to set up a sneak attack on him, either by jumping him from the crowds, taking him unawares, or putting up a flank attack if he attacks the party from the rear. (this might take a round to set up, depending on the thugs actions)

Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

"Perhaps it's in the dais itself?" Niccolo thinks. "Not sure how to get 'round and see, though." He shrugs and joins with the others in running for the doorway.

OOC: Looks like I head to the doorway and maybe a bit inwards. Don't think I'll have a chance to attack the guard or Ceshil, but I'll take it if I do.

Stulgar shrugs off the damage, and takes a quick look around for the crystil. Not finding it, he turns to defend the body from the approaching, ready to strike out at any of Cashil's men if the get close.

He will keep his position and strike at one of the men if they get close, hoping that reinforcements come soon.

OOC:Stulgar's Will Save(1d20+3=19), Stulgar's spot check (1d20+3=8)

Can't search while raging :( Basicly a delayed action, or attack if there are people to attack. 2 handed swing, since he didn't pull out the shield.
Attack 1: Stulgar's Attack #1 (1d20+7=19, 1d8+7=15)
Attack 2 (If needed): Stulgar's Attack #2 (1d20+7=12, 1d8+7=15)

(OOC: Wow, you're letting the Mage get away with standing in the back and casting spells. Well, I guess he's probably almost out. He's cast too many different spells to be a Sorcerer I guess he could be a Sorcerer if Whelm was his only 2nd-level spell, and despite Whelm, he isn't a Beguiler. Looks like a Wizard, hopefully level 3 and not level 4, which means he would have 1 more 1st and 1 more 2nd, plus another on each side if a specialist)

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