The Funeral (Stonegood judging) [finished]

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Siobhan makes sure they can see the exit of the tavern in case they want to repursue given the new information coming soon)

"With the whisper, the Shifter said 'I have to tell you something' to the leader. The Spirits told me this. Maybe my Shifter cousin amongst them found what we want and didn't tell the others until now. Regardless, the Spirits will inform me of what they say, and then we will know what they do not want us to know."

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Rystil Arden said:
(OOC: Races of Eberron. It's a sub for Animal Companion.)

ooc: Thanks. I looked for it there first, but the book's index stink. After reading the ability, I don't think you can use the spirit as a spy: the words used to describe it are "internal bond", "bestial spirit within their mutable bonds", "spirit within", "can't be cast out of the druid as a ghost can", etc; also, the only way you seem to be able to move it out of you is to use the Transfer Spirit ability, and that's to enhance a summoned animal. I'd like however to hear Stonegood's word on this; until we clarify the ability, let's assume you know what the shifter said, but can't leave the spirit at the tavern to hear any further conversation.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: How unusual--I figure that it must be capable of such or else why even bother making it a separate entity instead of just giving the Shifter a bunch of abilities without the tangled web of description. Still, I see your interpretation as reasonable as well, which is why I said 'possible use'. Of course, that makes the Beast Spirit suck even more than before. Anyway, if she can't do that, then she's not leaving. Instead, she will have to settle for a confrontation in the bar--just one note: If the adventurers attack, does she think the group can take them? (Sense Motive I believe) .)

(Assuming a confrontation at the tavern--

"No...I don't think we shall. Niccolo, my shifty cousin there knows something he doesn't want to tell us--likely involving our mission considering how agitated he became as we spoke of it. If they help us, they could be rich, but if they keep secrets like that from us, know what Raven said to do then." )


Rystil Arden said:
If the adventurers attack, does she think the group can take them? (Sense Motive I believe)

ooc: I'm not sure of what you mean. Looks like they are expecting you to leave, after what Niccolo said last, and right now they are not threatening you (I'm supposing what you said in your last post was said to the rest of the group only, not aloud)

They look well armed and equipped, and carry their weapons with the casual attitude that you only get by practice. Other than that, it's difficult to say how skilled they are without seeing them in action.

You asked before and I almost forgot to mention: there's only one (visible) exit, and many of those present are visibly armed.

Last thing, DrZombie, you still with us?
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Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

Niccolo looks back and forth between Siobhan and the adventurers. "I don't know," he says mildly, "It seems like this is a time for discretion and trust. They know where in the Mournlands to look for items; we know a place they can sell them for high profit. Surely we can cooperate."


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Latharion swiftblade

Latharion waits for the group to leave, then leaves a bit later, making sure the adventurers don't try anything funny.

(OOC : yep, still here, latharion just isn't talking a lot :D )


The woman ignores Siobhan's comments as she stares at the shifter with a look of strangeness on her face. "Whatever." she says back to Niccolo. "We're done anyway: come back with an offer and something solid on you, or don't." She gets up and signals the orc serving the beers. "These are leaving. Put their drinks on my account."


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Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

Assuming Siobhan stands down, Niccolo and her head out the door. "Well," he says, once they're outside. "Back to the tavern to find Raven?"

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Siobhan does not wish to back down. Her eyes flash with anger at the repeated treachery of her Shifter kin. Brother is the only one she can trust. However, she realises that they are in no condition to fight these adventurers right now. With rest, and Raven, they will be next time...The adventurers clearly know something, and they aren't going to part with it without persuasion. Such greed when so many lives are at stake is sickening.*

Voidrunner's Codex

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