The Funeral (Stonegood judging) [finished]


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Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

"So you did bring some other things back?" Niccolo asks, ignoring her question for the moment. "What were they?"

OOC: Sorry, I've been not quite sure what the etiquette was here -- it seemed like I was hogging the thread excessively. But if folks are ok with that, I'll carry on.

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inky said:
"So you did bring some other things back?" Niccolo asks, ignoring her question for the moment. "What were they?"

"Just Basher's body" says her. "And the knowledge of where we found him. Morgrave, that Raven or whoever is behind you is hardly the only possible source of information. You may speak more clearly now, or lose your cut on what we find back there."


inky said:
OOC: Sorry, I've been not quite sure what the etiquette was here -- it seemed like I was hogging the thread excessively. But if folks are ok with that, I'll carry on.

ooc: The etiquette is always post as much as you can as often as you can, even if it's only an ooc comment. Threads need fuel to remain warm and alive.


First Post
Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

Niccolo sighs. "Well, I see you've forced our hand," he says. "We're looking for information about Basher's company, like I said -- so diaries, scraps of paper with writing, that sort of thing. And then our patron is looking for jewelry and gems as well -- necklaces, rings, crystals, shards. If you manage to retrieve any of that, I imagine we'd be interested."


"I see we're arriving somewhere. Tell your patron to make an offer, but make no mistake, we're not cheap. Going to the Mourlands isn't cheap or easy."

With the last exchange the shifter at the back has grown restless. He whispers something at the woman's ear, taking pains so any of you don't know what he's saying.


First Post
Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

Niccolo nods. "We'll have to consult with our patron -- how shall we get in touch with you again if we want to deal?"

Made a little nervous by the shifter's actions, he glances casually around the room, sizing up the other patrons and double-checking the shortest path out of here (and if that's through a window, well, we might have to risk it.)

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Idea!--Siobhan's Totem Spirit kind of sucks mightily compared to an Animal Companion in almost every situation, but I think I've found my first possible use for it in two full levels of having it--since nobody can see or hear it, she's going to send it over right next to the Shifter's mouth so that it hears what the Shifter whispers. Then it will come back and tell her)


inky said:
Niccolo nods. "We'll have to consult with our patron -- how shall we get in touch with you again if we want to deal?"

"Come back here and ask"

(OOC: Idea!--Siobhan's Totem Spirit kind of sucks mightily compared to an Animal Companion in almost every situation, but I think I've found my first possible use for it in two full levels of having it--since nobody can see or hear it, she's going to send it over right next to the Shifter's mouth so that it hears what the Shifter whispers. Then it will come back and tell her)

ooc: What book's that ability from? Supposing the totem spirit can understand speech, what the shifter says is "send them away, I have to tell you something"

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Races of Eberron. It's a sub for Animal Companion. It's a little spirit that is partially a portion of her own psyche, that nobody can see or hear or effect with abilities, but it can't attack or anything either. It just floats around without being able to interact with anyone except Siobhan, like the ghosts in Sixth Sense and the little boy. Siobhan will leave the spirit spy on them as they head out. She tells it to wait for the Shifter to fully reveal its secret to the other adventurer and then to come tell her.)


First Post
Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

"Well, then," says Niccolo. He rises and tips his glass to the woman. "To future dealings." He (and the others, I expect) head for the door.

Niccolo keeps walking until they're a safe distance away and nobody seems to be following them, and then stops to discuss. "That didn't go quite like I expected," he says. "Now what?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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