The Funeral (Stonegood judging) [finished]

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The man with the probe
Stulgar keeps a watchful eye on the crowd, looking for anyone who might flinch at the mention of the Mournland.


"If you want to know about these places you should go to see the booky types at the un-i-ver-si-tee." says the orc. "We just have beer. One mug, one copper."

The orc's poor evasives however can't mislead Siobhan. She spots a group, concealed next to the corner behind a wooden lattice; Niccolo's words seem to have attracted their attention.


First Post
Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

Niccolo shrugs. "Beer it is, then." He tosses the bartender a coin, then goes and has a seat at a table off to the side (with Stulgar & co, presumably).

OOC: Assuming Siobhan points out the guys, then I'll wait a bit and see if they come over to talk, and if not, head over to their table.

Rystil Arden

First Post
*Siobhan is initially fooled by the orc's misleading evasions, but she sees a strange light out of the corner of her eye that limns the lattice for a brief instant, a vision from the spirits.*

"The spirits have revealed their location to me. Search there--" she points towards the place where the adventurers hide.


The man with the probe
Stulgar will remain silent, but offer his ominous presence beyhind Niccolo and Siobhan as they apprach the adventurers.


Niccolo turns to the place Siobhan is pointing to while the orc fills four mugs with some kind of yellowish fluid not unlike beer. The people behind the lattice don't move, so after a short while the group moves there.

A group of four sits there. A female human with short hair and clad in leather; a black raven on her shoulder spies you. Next to her a couple of heavily armed half orcs, and behind a shifter of wild appearance.

"Mourlands you say?" says the human.


First Post
Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

"That's right," Niccolo says. "Been there? We're looking for the ones who brought a certain warforged back from there recently." Assuming this seems to be the group, he continues. "Some historian from the university got interested in Basher's company and wants to get some artifacts. We'd like to hear what else you found there, and if you brought anything else back besides his body. Here, another beer while you talk." Niccolo grabs another couple mugs from the bartender.

Voidrunner's Codex

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