The Funeral (Stonegood judging) [finished]


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Raven [sblock] Raven stands, and extends her hand to shake. "Thank you Zhorra. I will leave today to investigate. I just need to tell the others something. Perhaps they will accompany me, though I will make sure they don't interfere. I also need to buy a horse, unless there's a caravan going that way today that you know of..."

Raven plans to return to the Inn to talk to her companions before departing. Zhorra seemed to indicate she should go by alone, but she feels she should at least check in with the others.[/sblock]

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Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

Niccolo opens his eyes again. "That was somebody saying they were a representative of Breland," he says to Latharion. "They said that Orerreth was not to be trusted, and that the adventurers we were looking for were at the Cog's Teeth. And that they were anxious to get their hands on the crystal themselves." He pauses. "I don't know what it all means, but it seems to me we should go to the Cog's Teeth and see if we can find out about the adventurers -- and if it's a trap, well, that's a lead too."


[sblock=Raven]She nods "I'll arrange a horse for you" says as she writes something on a piece of paper. "Go there, I'll have a mount ready for you."

Raven returns to the Shard* and finds that his companions have not returned or left any message.

*ooc: you could even post there and earn some roleplaying XP[/sblock]


Finding the Cog's Teeth isn't difficult, though it's a hard contrast after being at the Skyway. Here in the Cogs the massive towers are lost behind clouds of vapor and smoke, but still they seem to weight on you, and the heat hidden under Sharn's foundations can be felt. The aristocrats and snobs of the upper places are substituted by shifters, goblins, and grime covered humans. At least you don't have to worry about the city watch, since they don't enter here.

Still, the well armed group is left alone, and you have little problem finding the tavern. Is as you expected: a sunk local, kept dark by oil lamps that produce as much smoke as light. Apparently It doesn't bother the locals. A hairy orc sits on a stool near a pile of barrels and gets up when you enter.


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OOC: I'll post for Raven in the tavern thread. Then should I continue here in sblocks? Looks like Raven will be going it alone for a spell. Didn't she say she'd meet the rest of you for dinner? Oh well. I'm sure everything will be fun, whichever way we go...


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OOC: I suppose I'd prefer to use a seperate thread, if Raven is to be separated from the rest of the group. I don't like threads that are all sblocked out. It's like a long black screen. Also, if Raven doesn't know what they're up to, then I probably shouldn't either.


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Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

"We're here to buy drinks," Niccolo says to the orc. "And maybe to buy something else. We want to talk to people who've been to the Mournlands." Niccolo glances into the dark room past the orc, trying to size up the patrons and the room as he talks.

OOC: Assuming he lets us in, I figure we can sit down and see if anyone approaches us, and if not, start checking out the folks there a little more actively.

Voidrunner's Codex

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