The Funeral (Stonegood judging) [finished]


First Post
OOC: I'm actually not out of here quite yet, and I'll probably make a post or two next week. Raven's out of action, though, so I probably won't need to post anything. Thanks for trying to save her, Bront. That was a very brave and dangerous thing Stulgar is attempting. She'll owe him one if it works.

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ooc: Ok, I think it's the right time to finish this

Niccolo y Stulgar are aware of the overwhelming odds against them, but they nonetheless burst out of the building and behind the crates to confront the warforged surrounding Raven to retrieve her, or her body if she's already dead. Given how the constructs already surround her it's impossible.

Even the normally cold warforged are impressed by this display of suicidal bravery, and hesitate for a moment before they press their attack on the rest of you. But before you're cut to pieces a voice sounds behind them.


It's Ceshil. It's now your turn to be surprised, but it's just for a second before he continues speaking:

"One more step, and your friend dies. she's still breathing - that she continues doing so depends on you and your elf friend"

* * *​

Some streets from there Latharion fights against the construct dog. He barely avoids a bite and counterattacks with a quick swing. But his scimitar isn't the best tool against a non-living opponent and merely slides on the hound's steely skin. When he spots three warforged appaering from behind the corner, he drops the chest and runs away. He's not followed.

* * *​

Back at the alley Raven bleeds on the stair while Niccolo and Stulgar are forced to watch. After some time ceshil allows you to reach Raven and help her as you can. A couple minutes later, three warforged and an iron defender appear with the chest; Ceshil turns to you and says: "I guess today's your lucky day. But if you cross my path again, I swear you won't make it alive"

He and his troops leave after that, letting you do your business.

[ooc: And that's all. I'm a bit sorry it didn't turn so well for you, as your got no treasure from this adventure, but that's life - you had many ways of getting a small fortune out of this, but you didn't exploit any of them.

Raven bleeds for 5 rounds (to -7) before you're allowed to help her. At that point you can use the Heal skill or any equipment you have to stabilize or heal her. I leave to you the rolls and decisions about how to make them.

About XP, Siobhan, Raven, Stulgar and Niccolo gain 1200 XP. Latharion wasn't present at the important planning stage and the initial part of the fight, and he gets 900 XP.]

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: What happened to Orerreth? Didn't he have some sort of reward in store for preventing the crystal from falling into the wrong hands. Anyways, I can't think of any solution that gave any money that was not either against alignment for Siobhan (letting Ceshil or Lormand have it) or else fighting them all and keeping that treasure chest (unfortunately Latharion dropped it). I guess we should have attacked those darned adventurers when Siobhan suggested it :( Actually, killing Ceshil in the first encounter would have helped immensely too, presuming that would have kept him out of the final one.)
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ooc: I forgot the time reward, so Raven can add 150 extra XP and the rest of you 100 xp.

For story purposes, Orerreth swimmed into the sunset looking for a better tomorrow.

The XP reward is for destroying the crystal; it's an ad-hoc calculation based on the threat level, given that technically you could have done it killing nobody. This was explicitly indicated in the adventure proposal and approved by the judges, so you can complain to them :p . As for the money, a way would have been to work for Ceshil. or pretend to work for him, or Lormand, and negotiate some reward. It's not my fault that nobody's a good bluffer! and Orerreth wasn't really as resourceless as he made it. He was another source of income, but you agreed to help him for free.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Did I mention I really don't like Siobhan due to her lack of Charisma skills and would have rather been playing Sin in this adventure? Probably too many times already, but that last post only reinforces it :uhoh:

Ah well, bad luck and timing (Sin's old adventure that died turned dead after this one started, and now Sin's new adventure is also paused--she just can't get a break to save her life).

Anyways, ah well. Living Eberron just isn't working out for my characters I guess (in addition to Sin's troubles, Siobhan hasn't gotten reward money for either adventure, both times due to refusing to cooperate with giving dangerous schema/weapons to conniving Cannith scum (though in Adventure 1, the rest of the party did it anyway) :lol: Hey, at least she's alive and level 3. Ceshil could have just kept attacking--I figure you were pulling punches in order to end early by having him stop.)


Rystil Arden said:
:lol: Hey, at least she's alive and level 3. Ceshil could have just kept attacking--I figure you were pulling punches in order to end early by having him stop.)

ooc: No, I thought the matter for some time and everything was definittely leading to a TPK, but I realized Ceshil had nothing to win killing you in cold blood - the crystal was already broken, and there was a number of witnesses there. The best option for him was actually to let you live.


The man with the probe
OOC: Yeah, it would have been nice to have gotten the chest, but oh well. And I thought Orerreth did offer some kind of reward. But if he fled and isn't returning, guess we're out on a limb for that.


First Post
Yeah, thanks! (And this was my first game, so thanks to everyone else for putting up with me getting the hang of things).

Voidrunner's Codex

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