The Funeral (Stonegood judging) [finished]

Raven steps back and readies her shield while shouting a bluff. Niccolo also stows away his crossbow and draws his rapier, taking quick stab at the iron defender in front of him, nicking the construct and charring some of the metallic hound's mechanisms (7 damage); meanwhile Stulgar runs north carrying his sister.

Raven and Niccolo are soon overwhelmed by the warforged. The metallic hound bites Niccolo's leg and tears his pants (5 damage) as he's busy trying to block an axe. Raven defends herself fiercely, but one of them nicks her in the shoulder with a quick blow (rolls here)

A door opens on top of a steep flight of stairs. "Quick, over here!" shouts a voice. Apparently, Raven's bluff had some success.

[ooc: We have three groups now: Raven and Niccolo, who're holding the constructs off, Stulgar and the unconscious Siobhan, and Latharion, who's a round behind. Stulgar and Siobhan dissapeared behind a corner, and can't see the battle or the door that just opened.

Damage: Raven 19, Stulgar 13, Siobhan 8 and 9 non-lethal, Latharion 4, Niccolo 5]
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Raven stands and fights, for now, feinting, slicing, then stepping back.

OOC: rolls bluff 21 to hit 22 sword dmg 6, sneak dmg if applicable, 6 AC 18. Should have used combat expertise, but forgot!

Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

Niccolo takes a parting swing at the iron defender, then backs up, heading for the stairs and the voice.

Manzanita said:
then stepping back.

ooc: Does this mean a 5 foot step, or a move action towards the stairs of somewhere else? You'll draw 2 attacks of opportunity that way (Niccolo too) unless you tumble. You also wont' be able to reach the door with only a move action, so in case you're both retreating up the stairs either Niccolo of Raven has to hold them off, just in case.

Notice too that Stulgar's rage and shifting will end the next round (meaning he'll have the benefits the next round but not the following)

Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

OOC: How many warforged are we talking about here? I'd thought it was just one or two, but if it's the whole pack of a half-dozen or so, it seems like we should just all head up the stairs.

ooc: This round you were only attacked by three warforged and one iron defender; Raven is lucky to be still alive. But it's only a matter of time they all surround you.

OOC: I know, but friends dying isn't a good plan for Stulgar either. Unless they figure out how to run better.

Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

OOC: Ok, it sounds to me like we're on the verge of being overwhelmed here; I think we should pull out. So revised move:

"Stulgar, get Siobhan into the building!" Niccolo calls. "I'll keep the stairs clear!" He retreats from combat, heading for a position on the stairs (halfway up seeming more defensible than the base, if he can reach that far).

OOC: Withdraw from combat; if that isn't enough to dodge the AoOs I'll tumble.

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