The Funeral (Stonegood judging) [finished]

Since the situation isn't immediately dangerous, Stulgar thinks on leaving Siobhan there and coming back to help his friends. He backpedals enough to hear the sounds of battle, but can't see it yet, and he's starting to feel tired and weared down.

Niccolo jumps away from the metallic dog and runs up the stairs. Upon reaching the door, he turns just in time to see how Raven plants her blade on one of the warforged's throat, a wound that would have felled a living being but it's only a moderate nuisance for the construct. Even then, she refuses to flee, and is quickly felled by an axe (6 damage). The rest of the warforged, and the construct dog, run for the door. "We can't wait any longer" says the man that opened it, a sailor, as he slams the door shut. "There's another exit at the back!"

[ooc: Stulgar is just a move action away from the place of the battle. This is also the last round of rage and shifting, and from now on he's suffering the effects of fatigue. I would have done the rolls on invisiblecastle, since Raven was in such a difficult spot, but the site seems to be down.

Latharion is now 2 rounds behind the rest of you.

Damage: Raven 25 (at -2 and bleeding), Stulgar 13, Siobhan 8 and 9 non-lethal, Latharion 4, Niccolo 5]

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"Aughh!" Raven screams and stumbles back. She had hoped to activate her dimension leap ability to escape. She tries to concentrate, but all goes black...

OOC: Raven could have made a withdraw action to avoid AoO :( Is there a map of some kind?. Raven's going to get realy heavy in a moment, but he doesn't have time for fatigue. Isn't there something about spending an action point to extend rage? Or is that spend it to rage again? Not sure I can do that, but if I can, I'll spend an action point to do what I can to at least avoid the fatigue.

Stulgar will try to run in, grab Raven, and pull her to safety.

Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

Seeing Stulgar go to pick up Raven, Niccolo runs back the way Stulgar came from to find Siobhan, and try to bring her around back as well.

OOC: Not quite sure if the warforged are blocking the base of the stairs yet, or just coming over to do so. If the base of the stairs is blocked, I guess I'll look around for somewhere to jump to from the top of them.

Latharion throws the chest at the construct and draws his scimitar, backing away a bit so his back is against a large box.
(he remains unaware of the antipathy for the warforged in the district)
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ooc: I thought you'd benefit from a simple map. It took me some time to do one, hence the delay.


Legend is the same as previous maps, and I assume you already know it. Left part is where Stulgar, Raven and Niccolo are, and right part is where Latharion is. Distance between them isn't at scale. The warforged that appear at the right of Latharion's part are at that approximate location. Niccolo isn't on the roof, but inside the building.

I missed a detail from former posts: Latharion's shaking of the chest as he runs makes a noise of many metal pieces clashing together.


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ooc: I'm starting a new job next week, and I have to move to a new city. Yes, it's kind of sudden, I think it so too. What I mean is that while everyone else can count on me posting in their games, DMing can becom a bit more problematic. I was expecting to finish this one soon, and by soon I mean last week.

Since we don't have a time machine, we'll have to hurry and try to wrap the adventure in the next 72 hours. For now, a simple confirmation on your part of your last actions will be enough.

Niccolo - male human swashbuckler

OOC: Yeah, I think I'm still doing the same thing -- dodge past the warforged, pick up Siobhan, go around back.

Stulgar is going to try to drag Raven. Wasn't sure if he could use AP or not. Feel free to extrapolate my actions from that if it makes thigns go faster.

Manzanita is gone, so Raven needs to be NPCed for the end.

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