The future of Juxtaposition - PreVote Discussion


Dragona Nightsky

I would say, from all that's been said here, add in Sigil and take out Eberron.

At least let Sigil be up for a vote, though!


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I couldn't agree more with Draggy.

Sigil/Planescape has the fanbase to support it, readily available (and free!) setting material online, and a flavor aspect that can be played upon to create a real feel for the room and make the setting into another character. It deserves at least the recognition of being an option in my opinion.

Eberron is new and fresh, and does have a great flavor to it, but I don't see the setting working out as an ISRP room with the normal sort of players that I've known to turn up over the years.

Although I'd rather see the Realms eliminated than Eberron, but that's just me, and not anything I expect to actually take effect. :p *ducks any incoming shoes for that one*



I agree.....replace Eberron with something else (Sigil is a good choice). Sigil's more popular in the discussions than Eberron is, anyway.



ok... I am WAY too far behind on this read all the suggestions and such and still have time to eat this week, so was Ysgard suggested as a replacment? it would be entertaining considering the history of CRT and it's place in the world of ISRP. tavern could be the gateway, but it could be gotten to through other means... druidic planeshifting and such... just a thought? give all of us a chance to learn more about ysgard who don't know much about it?



The gods of the multiverse are alive and kicking!!

Tharivious_Meliamne said:
I'd rather see the Realms eliminated than Eberron, but that's just me, and not anything I expect to actually take effect. :p *ducks any incoming shoes for that one*

Thank you for saying what I've been thinking all along!! :D I couldn't have said it better if I tried. I too can forsee too many issues with using the Realms! Mainly - it's too limiting!

That's all from me!

Peace out!

*runs off, ducking the flying crockery*



I'm not going to remove Eberron from the vote, and replace it with Sigil. We will probably add Sigil in, but I don't want to limit the choices further. I want to offer as many acceptable settings to vote on as possible. If the consensus we see here is correct and not many desire Eberron, than that will be easily reflected in the vote.

Ysgard has not been suggested before and I'm not familiar with it...



WizO_Adele said:
Ysgard has not been suggested before and I'm not familiar with it...
In general terms (in D&D cosmology at least), Ysgard is a Chaotic (primarily) Good (secondary) outer plane based largely from Norse/Germanic mythos. It is a realm where warriors who fall in battle have a greater tendancy to return from death without intentional means, as it draws largely from the Valhalla concept (and I believe, has Valhalla as one of the locations within the plane). Standardly, Ysgard is settled between Limbo (Chaotic Neutral aligned), and Arborea (Chaotic and Good aligned in equal measure).

If that is the Ysgard intended, it would alienate many of the more Lawful or Evil-inclined characters (particularly the Lawfuls), as it is an aligned outer plane. If it isn't the same Ysgard (in which case, I have no clue), then confusion could likely set in as the name can be easily mistaken.



What if we had an eberron room, that is the restaurant/bar area of a lighting rail coach? Could be a cool setting, and have two different "stations" that open at different intervals like the garden.
Thought it would be a very interesting and usefull setting (as most creatures could get a lightning rail ticket).



Final Poll Choices

In the albeit limited time available, I have not seen much support for Ysgard.

The ISRP team is this prepared to offering the following for vote:

Integrate the Marketplace with Greyhawk - Placing it in the same realm as CRT*
Integrate the Marketplace with Greyhawk - Placing it in a different realm than CRT*
Forgotten Realms

*One or both subsettings could in theory still become more restrictive in nature pending the results of the Greyhawk poll.

The Setting Vote poll closes this evening and I anticipate 'Juxta first' winning, which would result in this poll opening up within the next few days.



Rimwath said:
What if we had an eberron room, that is the restaurant/bar area of a lighting rail coach? Could be a cool setting, and have two different "stations" that open at different intervals like the garden.
Thought it would be a very interesting and usefull setting (as most creatures could get a lightning rail ticket).

while most could, orien isn't that fussy as long as you don't leave trails of slime and have the money, However Eberron is a closed sphere and as such non-eberron characters have a very hard time getting there. Also high level characters are extremely rare on eberron and so it would be very very very very unusual for as many high level characters who wander through the CRT to be even on the same continent let alone the same city or even room.

Eberron was built with low levels in mind and while it would be fun the restrictions would be large.

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