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The Genesis Man

Isida Kep'Tukari

Ow, ow, ow damnit ow!!! Roth howled mentally, sucking in a sharp breath through his teeth to keep himself from screaming. He moved behind Tin, hoping to keep the big warforged between himself and danger. Cowardly, yes, but he wasn't about to be taken down by a goblin! Getting out words of magic around his knife wounds, Roth infused his own tunic with the magic he had just imparted to Tin a moment before.

OOC: Shield of faith on Roth.

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Zor, Nymm 5, 998 YK

Even as you retreat a few steps, the goblin moves forward to press the attack against Tin, but thanks to your magic, his blade is deflected away from Tin's hide, causing the little thug to curse. You imagine that if the warforged could were more proficient at showing emotion, he would look relieved. Tin moves away from you though, pressing his attack against the half-orc, narrowly scoring a second hit, but this wound is also telling. The half-orc is beginning to look like he wants to cut his losses and run, but the goblin, so far uninjured, screams at him, " Keep hitting! " He swings his club again, but despite using less strength and more skill, he still is unable to land a second blow. Unfortuntately, it seems that the goblin is about to take advantage of the situation to flank Tin. Despite seeing this, the warforged yells to you, " Retreat! "

( You could only take a 5' foot step without taking an attack of opportunity while still infusing, as far as I could tell, so that is all I moved you on the diagram. If I am forgetting some rule or if you didn't care about the AoO, I'll take that into account and rearrange the last round of 5' steps to reflect that. )


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Isida Kep'Tukari

Nothing loathe, Roth begins to back towards the alleyway with Tin, pausing to incant another spell on Tin's weapon. This better work, this really better...

OOC: Backing up in Tin's direction, casting magic weapon on Tin's weapon.


Zor, Nymm 5, 998 YK

Unfortunately for your diminutive foe, his tactical prowess is not matched by his skill with a blade, and Tin easily avoids its sting as he steps forward to attack, foiled by your positioning. His rapier newly empowered, Tin lashes out once more at the half-orc, but the the bestial thug manages deflect it with his shield. Fortune seems to have smiled on you, however, and the would-be killer decides his life may last a little longer if he flees. And that he does, to the howling and cursing of his small companion, disappearing around the corner. Tin looks at you, and he says, " Thanks, but next time, when I say run, run! "


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Isida Kep'Tukari

Roth blushes, "Sorry! I was... er... I mean... I'm kinda new at this," Then the pain catches up to him and he turns a fascinating shade of pale. "Ow... Owie ow ow! I'm sorry Tin, I... ow! Never been stabbed before. Ow... Please, thank you, thank you so much for helping me! How can I repay you?" he asks, the reaction of fear catching up to him.


Zor, Nymm 5, 998 YK

Apparently, the pain isn't over yet. Perhaps helped by his height defficiency, you seem to have forgotten the armed goblin while you were busy thanking Tin. He takes the opportunity to tickle you again with the pointy end of his sword, and he tries to dance away from Tin, who lunges forward, cutting the goblin's shoulder with the tip of his own blade. The little creep looks worried, but he doesn't quite look ready to give up yet.

( You take 3 damage. )


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Isida Kep'Tukari

Less talking, less thinking, more acting! Roth's mind yells at him. In pain and fear, Roth draws his little dagger and makes a swipe at the goblin, hoping to at least scare him to flee if both him and Tin were fighting.

OOC: One pathetic attempt to attack with a dagger.


Zor, Nymm 5, 998 YK

Sensing that he is in quite a predicament, the goblin thug manoeuvre to put you between hims and the warforged, while he attacks again with his small short sword, this time missing, thankfully. Tin moves to the right in order to press the attack, and he manages to wound the brute yet again. It looks like he is beginning to get desperate, and you remember what he said a few moments ago about being afraid of someone else, more than he is afraid of the wrath of your house.


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Isida Kep'Tukari

"Just leave, run away!" Roth yells, "This can't be worth your life!"

Taking a strategic retreat behind Tin, Roth infuses Tin's very skin with protective magic.

OOC: 5' back and 5' to the side to get between Tin and the goblin, then casting magic vestment. And I'm a naughty player, I apologize for being gone so long, I have international houseguests, including my fiance, and I'm running around a lot. My bad.


Zor, Nymm 5, 998 YK

The goblinoid does not seem to be swayed by your words, and he bounds around Tin just in time to sink his blade into your side, causing a terrible wound. Your poor luck has been rewarded though as Tin drives the point of his rapier right through the goblins shoulder, inflicting an even more terrible wound. The little blighter screams in agony, and he scrambles to get away, pulling himself off of the weapon of the warforged.

You may give chase if you like, but it seems that the goblins sudden turn from near victory to certain defeat has sapped it of the rest of its will to fight, and it attempts to flee.

( You take 5 damage. And don't worry too much, had you not been busy last week, you would of likely been disappointed by *my* not logging on from Monday until sometime Friday afternoon. Neverwinter Nights 2 has been eating up all of my time, hehehe... )

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