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The Great Conjunction (RPG DESIGN CONTEST)


Front Range Warlock
I'm going to keep this simple, so it can be easily managed and so that we (hopefully) produce a wide range of submissions. :D

The Big Theme

Magic. That's it. There has been a lot of discussion lately about where it went, what it is or isn't, and how to bring it back. Magic of some kind should be the central focus of your game submission.

Other Things to Incorporate

In the interest of shaking things up a bit, you should also incorporate a specific source (or sources) of magical energy, a ruined city, a prophecy, and a near-ominpresent threat into your game.

Gee, That's Awfully Slim Pickings!

Maybe — but that's what you have to work with ;) Keep in mind, however, that there are not very many thematic limitations placed on you. You can define "magic" and those Other Things pretty much however you want.

Work/Submission Window

You can begin committing things to paper/photons on January 1, 2009. If I get a document with a creation date from 2008, it will be automatically disqualified in order to remain fair to those who choose to put off actually writing their game until the aforementioned start date. I will quit accepting submissions on February 28, 2009.

Size of Submissions

Please limit the size of your game to 50 pages or less. For the curious, I didn't pick this figure out of thin air — it's Holmes BD&D rules + 10 pages. That should be plenty of room to work with, for the purposes of this contest.

Where to Submit

Right here. Post a link to your submission in this thread during the submission window outlined above, or post the plain text as a forum post. Easy! :D

How I Will Judge Thy Deeds

Completeness. You will be scored for the ability of your game to stand alone as a complete work. Ideally, this means that it will contain rules and a setting. And not refer readers to other books for rules on X, etc.

Topicality. You will be scored on the prominance of The Big Theme in your submission. The inclusion of Other Things to Incorporate can help your Topicality score, as well. More topical means more points, basically. [Edit: See Wik's excellent elaboration below for more details.]

Originality. I've read hundreds (possibly thousands) of RPG books. If the ideas in your submission are relatively obscure or if I've never seen them before, you'll score pretty high here. Think outside the box! (This is the most subjective rating.)

Playability. I am absolutely convinced that Hybrid is a complete game (in fact, I am not sure I have ever seen a more complete game). I am also convinced that the Average Joe cannot play it. The other three scores count for little if you score low here.

Other Questions?

Feel free to email me here.
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Could an admin sticky this please so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle, not that I think it will disappear, but it will help.



Are there any limitations on size; you mentioned them in an earlier thread but I notice there are none here?


Aughra: Now, ask what the Great Conjunction is, what's the Great Conjunction?

Jen: What's the Great Conjunction? You tell me!



First Post
I have a question : you want a full RPG ruleset, or only a campaign setting which could be used with any system you want, or you have to write it for a specific system (ie : 4E) ?


Front Range Warlock
I have a question : you want a full RPG ruleset, or only a campaign setting which could be used with any system you want, or you have to write it for a specific system (ie : 4E) ?

Ideally, you should submit your own, full, RPG rule set with a setting (whether it is an explicit or implied setting is up to you). You can, of course, choose to submit one or the other — but doing so may count against you for Completeness (as previously discussed).


First Post
Woot. Looks fun! A few questions, though:

1) While we cannot start writing now, can we start up our math and brainstorming now? What I mean is, if I have an idea for a system (I have about five, right now!), can I start crunching numbers right now? Maybe even post to get some ideas on how exactly to get the numbers to work right? Or is it purely "Keep it in your head" until January 1st?

2) Re: Magic. Magic can mean a lot of things. Do super powers (ie "Comic Book Mutants") count as "magic"? what about "the Force"? What about psychic powers? I know I want to keep my setting somewhere in the modern/futuristic/post-apoc sphere, and sometimes those forms of "magic" fit in better than pure D&D "Magic".

3) This is one I was thinking about today at work. Let's say I want to put an index or a table of contents in my game. Or a cover page. Or something along that line. Would those count towards the page limit? Or could I submit a "Work Copy" that's text only (and 50 pages) and a "Public Copy" that has the Index/ToC/Cover Page at the same time? Since you're the only judge, that should be hunky-dorey, correct?

Really excited about this. Gonna have to brainstorm for the next couple of days!


Front Range Warlock
1) While we cannot start writing now, can we start up our math and brainstorming now? What I mean is, if I have an idea for a system (I have about five, right now!), can I start crunching numbers right now? Maybe even post to get some ideas on how exactly to get the numbers to work right? Or is it purely "Keep it in your head" until January 1st?

You can feel free to brain-storm, research, take notes, etc before January 1st, by all means. I just don't want to receive a document created over the past five year period as a submission, come January. That's not fair to other participants.

2) Re: Magic. Magic can mean a lot of things. Do super powers (ie "Comic Book Mutants") count as "magic"? what about "the Force"? What about psychic powers? I know I want to keep my setting somewhere in the modern/futuristic/post-apoc sphere, and sometimes those forms of "magic" fit in better than pure D&D "Magic".

All of the things that you list are arguably magic when presented in the right context. That's one of the reasons that I didn't elaborate on the concept of "magic" as a theme. I didn't want to cut off avenues of exploration.

That said, genetic mutation would be kind of a hard push as "magic". I think the rule of thumb is that magic should be not be easily explainable by modern science.

3) This is one I was thinking about today at work. Let's say I want to put an index or a table of contents in my game. Or a cover page. Or something along that line. Would those count towards the page limit? Or could I submit a "Work Copy" that's text only (and 50 pages) and a "Public Copy" that has the Index/ToC/Cover Page at the same time? Since you're the only judge, that should be hunky-dorey, correct?

A TOC or index do not count toward the 50 pages. A Glossary would, however, as it technically encompasses setting and/or rules.

Voidrunner's Codex

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