:: Duncan & Company ::

Eager to see progress made, the troupe follows along after the party.Staying alert to their surroundings. Once they reach the boat they try and stay out of the way.

Duncan: "Once you reach the other side, best to come back for us. It will be a tight squeeze to get everyone in one trip, and with all of these armored warriors it would be a disaster if the boat were to destabilize. Safer to take two trips."

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Before Respen answers Dewydd, he steps along the deck of the pier in front of the boat. Moving toward the edge, he attempts to find the creature he believes is under the liquid (acid?).
He draws his staff into his hand and transforms it to his longbow, notching one of his regular wooden arrows. He launches it for distance toward the open end of the tunnel. His intent isn’t to strike anything, but to see if a) will the arrow actually fly (given Dewydd’s issues flying)? and b) what happens when it lands? Both to the arrow and where the creature goes. Regardless, he defers to Vale to go on the boat if room exists for a spell-caster. Given the size of the room, Respen will overwatch.

Respen nocks an arrow, and fires it downrange. The arrow flies straight and true, striking the stone wall at the end, and bouncing off it, landing in the acidic goo, as expected. The arrow immediately begins to hiss and smoke, as the acid immediately begins to dissolve it.

Vale boards the boat, taking his place as the boat's fifth passenger. Tam follows behind, bringing the count to 6. Respen stays on the dock area to provide overwatch. No one offers to relieve Dewydd of his position as Scrollmaster; Dewydd resigns himself to the task, determined not to waste any more time.

Delayed Action (Dewydd): Wait until 6th passenger has boarded, then begin reading the scroll.

As Dewydd begins to read, the ship rights itself, rising slightly (a few inches) as it begins to move SLOWLY forward. In the ship's wake, acidic vapors are created, as the still "waters" are disturbed.

All party members, both on the ship and on the dock, need to make a Fort Save, DC 13, or else suffer the temporary loss of 1 CON point. Roll your saves on Rolz as per usual, and post the results of your rolls in LINE chat.

Buffs from Khubsheth:

Affecting: Dewydd, Sylvar, Respen, Vale, Kleborn, and Thallok:

+5 bonus to all saves for duration of adventure.

The second round has ended. Please roll initiative for round 3, and post the results in LINE chat. Also, please state INTENTIONS for round 3; those that did not board the ship have now lost the opportunity to do so, unless they can succeed at a running long jump, for a distance of 15 feet. (It is 10 feet to the trailing edge of the boat, but it is 15 feet if you want to land on the deck.)
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Vs. DC 13 Fort Save:

Tam: 19 (Saved)
Kleborn: 28 (Saved)
Thallok: 35 (Saved)
Respen: 1 (Failed) -13 To Max Hit Points (Temporary)
Dewydd: 28 (Saved)
Travis: 41 (Saved)
Lenny: 29 (Saved)
Ebony: Necklace (Immune)
Duncan: Necklace (Immune)
Sylvar: 14 (Saved)
Vale: 36 (Saved)

Dewydd: 22
Respen: 21
Tam: 20a
Vale: 20b
Kleborn: 16a
Thallok: 16b
Sylvar: 9a
Duncan: 9b
Ebony: 9c
Lenny: 9d
Travis: 9e


D = Duncan
E = Ebony
L = Lenny
T = Travis
R = Respen
W = Dewydd
M = Tam
Th = Thallok
K = Kleborn
S = Sylvar
V = Vale

The numbers represent rounds; during this round, if Dewydd manages to keep reading, the boat will move 10 ft. forward; it will take 9 rounds until the boat bonks into the wall.

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As the boat began to move near the end of the second round, the party noticed a swelling and bubbling of the goo, just south of the boat's position. SOMETHING is rising out of the goo! It looks vaguely like some sort of giant snake, although until the goo has had a chance to drip off of it, you won't be able to see it clearly. The "viper" is massive, being 10 feet wide, and 20 feet long. It DEFINITELY looks big enough to capsize the boat!


DEWYDD: You're up first! You can see the form of this thing, rising up out of the goo, in the position indicated on the map. What do you do?

Dewydd Moresby

Eyes widening, I struggle to muster control of myself while thinking, Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes?! Rather than stop reading, I double down on my focus and continue to read at a steady pace - working to ensure I don't stumble on any words in my haste to get away from the creature that enjoys acid baths.

As Dewydd continues to read, he realizes that the scroll is about the history of the Sphinx Empire. Dewydd focuses all of his attention, and succeeds in reading the scroll flawlessly! The boat moves forward another 10 feet, but because the viper is flat-footed, the giant serpent cannot capitalize on the attack of opportunity!

RESPEN: It's your turn! What do you?
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Upon seeing the bubbling and the creature rising, he motions for the twins, Ebony, and Duncan to stay back, whispering an evocation launching an electrical discharge from his right finger toward the creature. He has no intention of fully dispatching the creature at the moment. He is attempting to distract it away from the boat.

Respen's ranged touch attack: (23) hit.
Target is immune to electricity.

A small, bolt of lightning springs from Respen's fingertip, striking the viper squarely. A small area (about 3' in diameter) of the goo is blasted away, revelaing that this "serpent" is composed of black, iron plates... a construct! The electrical charge does not seem to concern the viper in the least.

Tam decides to try his hand with magical arrows, since it's the only real method of attack available to him.
DURATIONS: (Original duration) [Current count against duration, in rounds]
Fly: Less than 12 mins (117 rounds) [-33]
Armor: 24 hours (14,400 rounds) [-33]
Shield: Less than 24 minutes (237 rounds) [-33]
Alter Self: Less than 120 minutes (1197 rounds) [-33]
Dragonskin: Less than 120 minutes (1197 rounds) [-33]
Prot. vs. Evil: Less than 24 minutes (237 rounds) [-33]
Blur: Less than 12 mins (117 rounds) [-33]
Buffs from the axe, affecting whole party:
+2 to saves vs. Fear

Buffs from Khubsheth:
(Affecting: Dewydd, Sylvar, Respen, Vale, Kleborn, and Thallok):

Geas for the duration of the adventure.

+5 bonus to all saves for the duration of the adventure.

The Company Are Still Maintaining The Following Auras: (Circumstance Bonuses)

Within 60 Feet of Ebony/Duncan:

+1 Attack
+1 AC
+4 Fort Saves
+3 Reflex Saves
+2 Will Saves

Within 10 Feet Of Duncan: (Morale Bonus)

+4 Saves vs Fear
Base Attack Rolls Before Buffs (2 Arrows): (27,20)
With Buffs: 28, 21
Viper Flat-Footed AC: 25
RESULT: 1 Hit, 1 Miss
Damage: 1d4+1 (+1d4 Holy); (5,3) = 8 pts. total.
Non-Evil; Holy damage does not apply. 5 pts. dam.
Minus 15 pts. DR = -10 (0 Damage.)

Tam shoots two arrows at the big, mechanical viper; the first arrow skips off its plated hide, ricocheting into the goo. The second arrow strikes the viper more squarely, and shatters upon impact! The viper does not even seem to notice the Halfling's attack!

VALE: It's your turn! What do you do?
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